
How do you spell the name Michelle?

How do you spell the name Michelle?

Michele (pronounced /mɪˈʃɛl/ mi-SHEL), is also an English female given name that is derived from the French Michèle. It is a variant spelling of the more common (and identically pronounced) name Michelle.

What is another name for Michelle?

Mitchie, Mickie, Mish, Mishi/Michi, Mishy, Shell, Shelly, Shelley, Chelle, Mickey, Mich, Michy, Meko, Mimi, Elle, Ella, Melly, Miley, Mica/Mika.

Is Michelle a beautiful name?

And while the name Michelle doesn’t technically mean “beauty” it’s certainly a beautiful classic. The name has both French and Hebrew roots and is the feminine version of Michael, meaning “gift from God” or “who is like God.” It hit the U.S. top 10 names list for seven years.

Is Michelle still a popular name?

Michelle’s average ranking is 3606.63, with it’s highest ever rank being #. Michelle has reach the top 10 most popular girls name 7 times, and has reached the top hundred names 55 times. Michelle has been used in the United States ever since 1915, with over 817298 girls given the name in the past 200 years.

Is Michelle a Russian name?

Michelle is a given name, originally a variant of Michèle the French feminine form of Michel….Michelle (name)

Pronunciation /mɪˈʃɛl/
Gender Female
Word/name Hebrew via French and English
Meaning “Who is like God?”

What does the name Mishel mean?

Mishel is a Muslim Girl Name. Mishel name meaning is A Light. The name is originated from Urdu. The lucky number of Mishel name is 1.

How do you spell Michael in English?

Michael is the English spelling of the name, pronounced MIKE-ul. Micheal (or more correctly, Mícheál), is the Irish spelling of the same name, pronounced MEE-hall (with a rough h like the “ch” in “loch”).

Is Mickey a nickname for Michael?

Mickey is a form of Michael and is generally pronounced like “MICK ee”. Mickey is a nickname for the name Michael, which is a Greek variant of the Hebrew Mikha’el, meaning “Who is like God?” which is taken to mean no one is like God.

How many Michael’s are there in the United States?

Number of Michaels stores in the United States and Canada from fiscal year 2014 to 2019

Number of stores
2019 1,274
2018 1,258
2017 1,238
2016 1,223