How do you say Happy New Year in Tagalog?

How do you say Happy New Year in Tagalog?

Happy New Year in Filipino is Manigong Bagong Taon! Manigong translates to happy, Bago translates to new, and Taon translates to year.

What is Manigong Bagong taon?

It literally means “Prosperous New Year!” …

How do you say Happy New Year?

Here’s what to say at midnight (and for the first couple weeks of January): Happy New Year! You also say “New Year” with no possessive apostrophe-S when you’re talking about the year as a whole. “New Year’s” refers to one night, one day, and one resolution (or a lot of resolutions—we don’t judge).

What do you reply after Happy New Year?

‘Thank you’ is mainly used for ‘one-way’ phrases, such as ‘Congratulations’ or ‘Happy Birthday’. You can say ‘Thank you’ if someone wishes you ‘Happy New Year’, but as this is a reciprocal greeting, you should then respond it with ‘Happy New Year to you, too.

How do you reciprocate New Year’s wishes?

When someone wishes you a Happy New Year, it’s polite to show gratitude and then reciprocate. For example, if someone says “Happy New Year”, then you would reply, “thank you, Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year as well”. You can can also keep your reply short with “thanks! Same to you!”

How do you wish a senior New Year?

Wishing you more moments of progress and success to you! I wish this year grants you everything that you wish for and brings you success from every direction. Happy new year to you and your family. I wish you a wonderful year filled with enormous happiness and boundless joy.

How do you address a principal in a speech?

It is a matter of great pleasure and honor for me to welcome the new principal of (School/Institute name), (Principle name). He has previously worked for 5/10 years (More/less) at (School/Institute name) as principal (Job Designation) and has remained successful in delivering positive results. (Describe in your words).

What do you say to a new principal?

Dear New Principal, Welcome! We hope you enjoy your time at OUR school. We are a caring, vibrant community and we want you to feel a part of our team.

How do you call the principal on stage?

Answer. now I would like to invite our honorable principal ma’am/sir mr./miss. ……………… to come on stage nd request him/her to say something in english for his/her students, teachers nd the guardians…..

How would you describe a good principal?

An effective principal must be a visionary. He should be a continuous learner and also adapt to new trends. By doing that, a good principal will stand out among his peers. It is is your job to see that teachers gets comfortable and also feel motivated to improve continuously.

How do you call someone on stage?


  1. now I would like to invite __________ on the stage.
  2. I would like __________ to come upon to __________.
  3. i would like to call _________ on stage.
  4. i would feel really really grateful if we could have ________ head to the stage between a huge round of applause.

How do you call a singer on stage?

👉Now I would like to call (insert the name) upon the stage to present a song/dance performance… 👉Please, a big round of applause for our principal / manager sir… 👉To rock the stage I would like to call … (student’s name) to perform and show their talent to you.

How do you welcome a singer on stage?

How To Introduce A Performance On Stage

  1. Ask for a Written Introduction from the Performer or Singer, If You Can.
  2. Write Down the Introduction.
  3. Confirm Unfamiliar Pronunciations.
  4. Think of Your Audience On What To Say About The Performance.
  5. Welcome the Performer on-stage.
  6. Let the Performer Take It From You.

How do you call someone on stage of vote of thanks?

I, on behalf of [name of the organization of the event], and the entire [other supporting/sponsoring organization, team, crew, even special guests in the audience if you like] let me call it fraternity of [field of interest] here together, and on my own behalf extend a very hearty vote of thanks to all speakers for …