
How do you say back then formally?

How do you say back then formally?

Synonyms for back then

  1. at one time. before, in past time, long ago, ago, once, previously, at that time, formerly. at one time, pepper was more valuable than gold. Submitted by JP03 on October 7, 2015.
  2. last time. Submitted by anonymous on August 4, 2020.

What is another way to say then?

What is another word for then?

next after that
subsequently afterward
following that following this
later before long
ensuingly finally

What means back then?

Back then is an expression you can use in order to refer to a specific period of time in the past. For example, if you are teaching about Middle Age, you could say “back then, people used to have slaves to work for them”. Some synonyms are: At that time, In those days.

What is a word for the past?

What is another word for past?

former late
onetime bygone
historical olden
antecedent anterior
bypast precedent

What is the antonym of past?

What is the opposite of past?

before to
prior afore
ere of
ahead of previous to
prior to

Whats another word for I have?

What is another word for have?

possess own
bear hog
boast have in hand
hold carry
be in possession of command

What is had explain?

Simple past tense and past participle of have. Had is defined as to have contained, held or owned something in the past. An example of had is to have kept up a perfect attendance score until yesterday.

What is the verb to be in present?

The form of the verb to be is am (contracted to ‘m), is (‘s) and are (‘re) in the present tense and was/were in the past. To be is used as an auxiliary verb, to form continuous tenses and the passive, and as a main verb.