How do you know if a chiropractor is legit?

How do you know if a chiropractor is legit?

A good chiropractor take the time to ask about your health history, take x-rays, perform light testing, and observe your body for signs of injury or pain. A BAD chiropractor will rush through or even skip the examination process just to get you adjusted and then scheduled for your next appointment.

What happens if a chiropractor injures you?

If a patient is injured as a result of this breach, the chiropractor may be liable for resulting damages. For example, if a chiropractor fails to diagnose a patient’s blocked arteries, the patient may suffer severe injuries that could have been prevented had the chiropractor made the correct diagnosis.

How can you tell if your neck is out of alignment?

Possible signs that your spine is out of alignment include:

  1. chronic headaches.
  2. lower back pain.
  3. neck pain.
  4. knee pain.
  5. hip pain.
  6. frequent illnesses.
  7. excessive fatigue.
  8. numbness or tingling in the hands or feet.

What happens if your neck is out of alignment?

If left misaligned, more issues can come about, such as headaches, migraines, sinus issues, vertigo, seizures, TMJ, fatigue, eye problems, hearing issues, immune system problems, chronic illnesses, and more.

Can a chiropractor realign your neck?

Chiropractic spinal alignments can help realign your vertebrae, relieving pressure on nerves and providing much needed pain relief. When you visit a chiropractor, the primary goal of your treatment in most cases is to reduce spinal misalignment, also known as subluxation.

What causes C1 misalignment?

A misalignment at C0-C1-C2 can also come from sitting at a desk with poor posture, birth trauma, or falling out of a tree when you are a child. However, the most common way we see large trauma produced is from a concussion from either sports or work related injuries, or a car accident.

How do you tell if your C1 is out?

Common Symptoms and Signs Stemming from C1-C2

  1. Radiating pain up to the back and/or top of the head.
  2. Pain in the temple and/or behind the eyes and/or ears.
  3. Neck-tongue syndrome resulting in neck and/or head pain with numbness or abnormal sensation on one side of the tongue.
  4. Sensitivity to light.
  5. Fatigue.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Nausea.

What happens when C1 is out of alignment?

If the C1 or C2 vertebra is out of place, they can be placing undue pressure on the brainstem, causing it to send improper signals to the brain. The brain may think the body is in motion when it is not actually moving, leading to the symptoms of vertigo.

What causes the atlas to come out of alignment?

With the multitude of ways we can turn our head, it is not surprising that the Atlas can slip out of proper alignment. A wide variety of Trauma, from falls to auto accidents, can cause such misalignments to occur as well as poor posture and even sleeping the wrong way.

Can a chiropractor adjust your atlas?

An Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is a specialized type of chiropractic adjustment that targets the atlas vertebra, the top bone in the spine that is located at the base of the skull. A misalignment in the atlas vertebra can lead to a host of health problems. With Atlas Orthogonal adjustments, Dr.

What is your atlas in your neck?

The Atlas: The Top Bone in Your Cervical Spine The occipital bone rests upon the atlas, the first bone in your neck. The atlas is named after the Greek God Atlas, who held up the world on his shoulders. A pair of synovial joints, known as the atlanto-occipital joint connect the atlas and your skull.

What happens when your atlas is off?

Put this all together–atlas misalignment, causing neurological compromise, leading to postural imbalance, and ultimately causing or contributing to diminished body function, dis-ease (imbalance) within the body, and symptoms which may lead to chronic illness.

How do you fix C1 and C2?

Some common nonsurgical treatments for C1-C2 include:

  1. Medication.
  2. Immobilization.
  3. Physical therapy.
  4. Chiropractic manipulation.
  5. Traction refers to stretching and/or realigning the spine to relieve direct nerve pressure and stress on the vertebral levels.

Are subluxations painful?

They are working hard holding the joint to keep it from dislocating. Depending on where the subluxation is, there may be nerve pain involved that can radiate or cause sharp shooting pains to other areas of the body along a nerve track.

How do you check for subluxation?

Symptoms of a shoulder subluxation can include:

  1. a visibly deformed or out-of-place shoulder.
  2. pain.
  3. swelling.
  4. numbness or tingling, also called paresthesia, along the arm.
  5. trouble moving the joint.

How long does it take to fix a subluxation?

Phase One Subluxation Degeneration The spine can even develop a reverse curve in the neck. Although overall motion is probably not affected, chiropractic reconstructive care for a phase one subluxation can take from 6 to 18 months.