
How do you get infinite weapons in Resident Evil 5?

How do you get infinite weapons in Resident Evil 5?

How To Get Infinite Ammo

  1. Complete One Run Of Main Story. You’ll need to complete the RE5 main story first before you can unlock and use infinite ammo.
  2. Fully Upgrade Chosen Weapon.
  3. Unlock In Bonus Features.
  4. Toggle At The Start Of Mission.

How do I get Sheva’s costume?

Unlockable costumes

  1. Clubbin’ – Is unlocked by completing the main game once, its theme color is gold.
  2. Tribal – Is unlocked by obtaining all the 30 BSAA emblems and completing the game once, its theme is an African tribes attire.

How do you unlock Sheva’s bow?

The Longbow is an exclusive weapon to Sheva Alomar and is available after fully upgrading the S75 (RIF), completing the game once (any difficulty), and buying it for ₦50,000.

How do you unlock Chris Redfield star costume?

Top Voted Answer. If you look in the FAQ’s you’ll find out easily enough, in short you need to collect the BSAA emblems to unlock the 3rd outfit for both characters, sheva at 25 and chris at 30 I believe.

Who voices Chris in re5?

Roger Craig Smith

How do you unlock costumes in Resident Evil 5?


  1. Safari Chris – Complete all chapters.
  2. Clubbin’ Sheva – Complete all chapters.
  3. Tribal Sheva – Complete all chapters and find 30 BSAA Emblems.
  4. S.T.A.R.S. Chris – Complete all chapters and find 25 BSAA Emblems.

How do you unlock characters in Resident Evil 5 Mercenaries?

The Mercenaries is a game mode featured in Resident Evil 5. It is unlocked by beating the main game once. It is the third incarnation of the Mercenaries mini-game. Completing rounds will earn the player Exchange Points based on their rank.

When did Wesker die?

March 2009

What happened to Alex Wesker?

Mutation. When Alex committed suicide, the T-Phobos virus within her body reacted to the state of fear she experienced at the moment before her death. This allowed her to survive the gunshot to her head and regenerated her, but caused her body to become warped and disfigured.

How do you get the Gatling gun in re5?

The Gatling Gun is a weapon that can be unlocked and be purchased for use by Chris for ₦50,000 after completing the game on any difficulty and fully upgrading the VZ61.

How do you unlock the Hydra re5?


  1. You have to fully upgrade Itacha M37 then you can buy the Hydra.
  2. Just upgrade the itacha m37 then buy the hydra.
  3. Just fully upgrade the Ithaca M37 then you can buy the Hydra.

How do you get the work Trophy in Resident Evil 5?

The maximum amount of combos consists of three melee attacks after staggering the enemy with either a flash grenade or shooting it several times. A good area to attempt this trophy is in 2-1 in the area just before the armoured truck attempts to run you down.

What is the best handgun in Resident Evil 5?
