
How do you fix long spaces in Word?

How do you fix long spaces in Word?

Change the spacing between characters

  1. Select the text that you want to change.
  2. On the Home tab, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, and then click the Advanced tab.
  3. In the Spacing box, click Expanded or Condensed, and then specify how much space you want in the By box.

How do I reduce the space between lines in Word 2007?

Select the text you want to format. Click the Line spacing command in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. Select a spacing option….The Paragraph dialog box appears.

  1. Use the Line spacing drop-down menu to select a spacing option.
  2. Modify the before and after points to adjust line spacing as needed.
  3. Click OK.

How do I set single spacing in Word 2007?

Single-space part of a document

  1. Select the paragraphs you want to change.
  2. Go to Home > Line and Paragraph Spacing .
  3. Choose 1.0.

How do I double-space in Word 2020?

To double-space the whole document, go to Design > Paragraph Spacing, and choose Double. Tip: To double-space only part of the document, select the paragraphs you want to change, go to Home > Line and Paragraph Spacing, and choose 2.0.

What is double spacing in writing?

“Double-spaced” simply means that there is one blank line between every line of type. All modern word- processing programs have a double-space mode. In Microsoft Word 2013, you will need to set line spacing to “Double” and also ensure that no additional spaces are added before or after paragraphs.

What is double spacing in docs?

Double space a Google Docs text to make it easier to read on a screen or on pape, and allow for easy handwritten edits once printed. You can quickly change the line spacing on a Google doc using the app on a mobile device or from your computer.

What is a line break in pages?

Line break: Use a line break, also called a soft return, to start a new line without starting a new paragraph. Page break: Use a page break (in a word-processing document only) to move a line of text to the top of the next page or to start typing on a new page.

How do I make lines in pages?

Add borders and rules (lines) in Pages on Mac

  1. Click the line or paragraph (or select multiple paragraphs) where you want to add the border or rule.
  2. In the Format sidebar, click the Layout button near the top.
  3. Click the pop-up menu next to Borders & Rules, then choose a line type (solid, dashed, or dotted).

Can you draw in pages Mac?

You can draw in a Pages document on iPhone and iPad. If you later open the document in Pages for Mac, you can animate the drawing, share it, or save it to Photos as an image or movie file.

How do you type a vertical line on a Mac?

  1. Open your text editor, such as TextEdit, or word processor, such as Pages or Microsoft Word.
  2. Open a document and click your cursor in front of whitespace where you can enter a character.
  3. Press the key combination “Shift-\” to type the “|” symbol.

How many lines are in a page?

60 lines

How many lines fit on a page in Microsoft Word?

In Word there are 72 points per inch, which means your nine inches of vertical space is equivalent to 648 points. Divide this by the number of lines you want on the page (25), and you end up with 25.92 points per line. This is your line spacing and is a very important number to know; you’ll use it in a moment.

What spacing is 6 lines per inch?

If you use a Line Spacing of 12 pts you would get exactly 6 lines per inch as 6 x 12pt = 72pt = 1 inch. However, as the requirement is for no more that 6 lines of text, it might be best to leave the line spacing as Single as it will make your text easier to read.

How long is a double spaced 1000 word essay?

How Many Words per Page?

Word Count Pages (single-spaced) Pages (double-spaced)