
How do you express liking someone?

How do you express liking someone?

50 Ways To Tell Someone You Like Them (Without Just Telling Them)

  1. Touch your face and hair when you’re talking to them.
  2. Touch them, casually, on the arm or knee when you’re talking to them.
  3. Laugh at their jokes.
  4. Touch their arm or knee when you laugh at their jokes.

How do you praise someone in words?

75 Compliments to Use When You Want to Say Something Nice

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

What can I say instead of cheer up?

What is another word for cheer up?

cheer animate
inspire inspirit
liven brighten
console exhilarate
gladden pep up

Whats a good cheer up gift?

12 Thoughtful Gifts For Friends Going Through A Hard Time

  • This middle finger patch, for the year that truly deserves an “eff you.”
  • A set of empathy postcards.
  • A plant, to brighten up their space.
  • A card that says the words you can’t.
  • A portrait of their pet.
  • A weighted blanket, to help them sleep better.
  • A subscription box filled with something they love.

What to give a girl to cheer her up?

10 Ways to Cheer Your Girl Up When She’s Down

  • How to cheer your girl up when she’s feeling down.
  • #1 Give her small surprises.
  • #2 Give her a massage.
  • #3 Take her on a special date.
  • #4 Let her talk about what’s on her mind.
  • #5 Watch girly movies and TV shows with her.
  • #6 Cuddle with her.
  • #7 Do things she likes that you normally wouldn’t do with her.

How do you cheer someone up on their birthday?

How to Cheer Someone Up on Their Socially-distanced Birthday

  1. Send a Card. It’s a simple gesture, but sending a card to someone on their birthday is usually appreciated.
  2. Send Flowers. Flowers are always a kind gesture on someone’s birthday, and they can be even better when you’re stuck inside.
  3. Book Something for the Future.

How do you cheer a girl up over text?

Best 25 Tips On How To Cheer Up A Girl Over Text

  1. Reach out. Maybe you work in different parts of town, or maybe even in a different part of the country.
  2. Listen to her. Your girl’s going to have a lot on her mind.
  3. Ask open questions.
  4. Empathize, don’t sympathize.
  5. Be there for your girl.
  6. Be patient.
  7. Give her space.
  8. When she’s talking, don’t cut her off or mansplain.

How do you cheer up a sad girl?


  1. Give her a nice big hug to make her feel better. Sometimes, that’s all it takes.
  2. Overall, show that you care. Show her that you want to be the best partner you can.
  3. Be careful. Don’t do or say anything stupid to set her off again!
  4. Know who she really is.
  5. Be selfless.
  6. Be patient.