How do you explain rationale?

How do you explain rationale?

The rationale of your research is the reason for conducting the study. The rationale should answer the need for conducting the said research. It is a very important part of your publication as it justifies the significance and novelty of the study. That is why it is also referred to as the justification of the study.

What is another name for rationale?

Rationale Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for rationale?

logic reason
motivation foundation
motive justification
vindication validation
excuse logical basis

How long is a rationale?

400-600 word

What does rationale mean in education?

A brief written statement of purpose for using a particular book—the why for using it and where it will fit in the curriculum. This is prepared by individual teachers based on the students, school, and community noted above and on curricular and instructional objectives and needs.

What is an example of a lesson?

The definition of a lesson is something that is to be learned, a learning period or a plan for teaching. An example of a lesson is an English teacher’s plan for her next class. Lesson is defined as to teach, instruct or discipline. An example of lesson is to teach someone to play the guitar.

How do you write a good lesson plan?

How To Write a Perfect Lesson Plan

  1. Warm up. A warm up activity can be used in a number of ways.
  2. Introduction. A good introduction will create a need for students to learn the material you are going to present and get them interested in the day’s topic.
  3. Practice.
  4. Production.
  5. Review.

What does a good lesson plan look like?

Each lesson plan should start by considering what students will learn or be able to do by the end of class. They should be measurable, so teachers can track student progress and ensure that new concepts are understood before moving on, and achievable considering the time available.

What are the essential parts of a lesson plan?

The most effective lesson plans have six key parts:

  • Lesson Objectives.
  • Related Requirements.
  • Lesson Materials.
  • Lesson Procedure.
  • Assessment Method.
  • Lesson Reflection.

What are the 3 key components of a lesson plan?

The three components that you should include in a lesson plan to ensure that it’s solid and effective are:

  • Learning objectives.
  • Activities.
  • Tools to check for understanding.

What is another name for instructional objective?

Instructional objectives (also known as behavioral objectives or learning objectives) are basically statements which clearly describe an anticipated learning outcome.