How do you do the Master Hunter Challenge 7?

How do you do the Master Hunter Challenge 7?

Master Hunter 7 Challenge Your goal is to “use bait to lure and kill a predator and herbivore consecutively.” This can seem daunting, since using bait the wrong way can feel like such crap shoot. It’s not. We promise. For herbivores, look for deer, which are effectively everywhere in Red Dead Redemption 2.

How do I send carcass to Ms Hobbs?

Enter dialog with the clerk. One of the options should be “send mail”. Hit send mail, and letters you are carrying (like dinosaur bone locations) will be there, just send everything. When you get back to the horse the carcasses will be gone.

How do you mail a carcass?

When you get a perfect squirrel carcass, you put it in your side pouch so it’s on you all the time. With the rabbit, you attach it to your horse. After you get both, head to the post office, then take the rabbit off your horse and carry it over to the postmaster and it will allow you to send it.

How do you make a good squirrel carcass?

To get a perfect Pelt you’ll have to find a Perfect Squirrel and use the right weapons to kill it. Squirrels are some of the smallest animals in Red Dead Redemption II. You will need to use a bow with Small Game Arrows to get a clean kill. That is the only weapon that will score you a perfect pelt.

How do you mail the rabbit carcass rdr2?

Take the rabbit from horse carge (the squirrel will be in your satchel) and talk to the clerk. Press right on the Dpad to send mail, then select the Wildlife Art Exhitibiton from the inventory. Once you’ve sent them, the game will tell you you’ll get your reward by mail after 24 hours.

Where is the perfect rabbit carcass in RDR2?

You can specifically find the Rabbit around Boulder Blade and the surrounding fields to the east of Braithewaite Manor on the southern of Lemoyne.

Where can I buy a good squirrel carcass?

Once you kill a pristine squirrel with your small game bow you will be able to pick up the perfect squirrel carcass. No perfect pelt for you? Don’t worry, you just need to go to your satchel (inventory) and find the carcass.

Does herbivore bait work on rabbits RDR2?

Every type of Rabbit found in RDR2. Using the best weapons to hunt a Rabbit in Red Dead 2, will reward you with a Perfect Quality Kill. Since this animal is herbivores you should use Herbivore Bait to attract it in the wild.

Can I buy potent predator bait RDR2?

You have to craft potent bait of either of the two. Although the basic bait from the shops works too.

Why does predator bait never work?

Bait in RDR2 doesn’t just spawn in animals like it did in RDR1. It will only attract animals that are currently in the area. If you lay down bait, and there aren’t any cougars in range of the bait, you won’t get anything. An easier way to hunt cougars is to just ride around on your horse.

What animals does predator bait attract RDR2?

While potent predator bait may attract throngs of coyotes, boars and bears, cougars seem to be uninterested even in potent predator bait.

What kills Cougars RDR2?

The easiest way to take down a cougar of this size is by either using a Bow with Poison Arrows or a rifle. Their fangs can be used for crafting and their meat can be used as food.”

Does predator bait work on Cougars RDR2?

Make sure your in an area that has predators. I didn’t have any luck using it to bag a cougar, but when using bait where the cougar spawns i attracted boars (i guess they are predators), coyotes and a bear. The best tactic for the cougar though is the horse bait.

Can animals go extinct in Red Dead Redemption 2?

When replaying missions, it is possible that the buffalo can appear; however, killing them does not add to the Single Player total. Buffaloes are the rarest non-legendary animal in Red Dead Redemption, due to the fact that they can become extinct, and can only be “respawned” using the tricks mentioned above.

Can you go back to Guarma?

In Red Dead Redemption 2, Guarma is located in the Caribbean. And once they leave, there’s no way to go back to Guarma without replaying the few missions that take place there. But Guarma is still there, one long, weird ride away inside the map. Players just need to go to great lengths to reach it.

What animal is worth the most in Red Dead 2?

These are the ten most profitable animals outlaws can find in Red Dead Online.

  1. 1 Whitetail Buck. Whitetail Bucks are nearly everywhere in Red Dead Online.
  2. 2 Ram. Rams are overlooked as an animal worth hunting and skinning.
  3. 3 Panther.
  4. 4 Moose.
  5. 5 Grizzly Bear.
  6. 6 Elk.
  7. 7 Cougar.
  8. 8 Black Bear.

What is the hardest legendary animal to kill in RDR2?

Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear

What fish sells for the most in RDR2?

Red Dead Online: Every Fish In The Game (& How Much They Sell For)

  1. 1 Nortern Pike ($5.00) Arguably the most enjoyable fish to hook is the Northern Pike.
  2. 2 Muskie ($5.00)
  3. 3 Steelhead Trout ($4.25)
  4. 4 Sockeye Salmon ($4.25)
  5. 5 Lake Sturgeon ($4.00)
  6. 6 Channel Catfish ($3.13)
  7. 7 Longnose Gar ($3.13)
  8. 8 Largemouth Bass ($2.00)