How do you clean dust off of vinyl records?

How do you clean dust off of vinyl records?

Use a lint free cloth and wipe down the records to remove any dust or dirt from the top of the record. Generally, you should always wipe any dust and dirt away from your vinyl records from the moment you bring them home.

How do you stop static on vinyl records?

To combat this harmful effect on listening, manufacturers propose different methods and products to reduce static charges.

  1. 2.1. Use antistatic products. Thanks to antistatic sprays, reduce the static electricity on your LP simply: spray the cloth once, wipe it over the record and there you go!
  2. 2.2. Use antistatic brushes.

Can you clean vinyl records with baby wipes?

Even if you wipe it dry, the baby-wipes will still leave residue. It will be left when the water evaporates. never ever use anything which contains unknown chemicals upon vinyl…as the reactions might be totally unpredictable eventually, from “fogging” to extreme light crackling etc etc…

What happens if vinyl records get wet?

Never spritz water or wet play a vinyl record in an attempt to quiet the crackle and pops. Doing so only causes the stylus to spread the abrasive sludge deeper into the grooves possibly doing irreversible damage. This makes the record sound even worse as the crud dries and embeds itself throughout the record.

Should LPS be stored flat or upright?

3. Store your vinyl collection in an upright position. Vinyl records need to be stored in an upright position to ensure they stay in good condition. Records that have been stored at a slant for an extended period of time can warp because of the uneven pressure that has been placed on them.

Can you lay vinyl records flat?

The fundamental rule about storing records in any unit is they must be stored vertically. Stacking records flat in piles will lead to warping over time. You’ll also want to avoid any excessive pressure on groups of records, even when stored vertically.