
How do I see old call logs on Sprint?

How do I see old call logs on Sprint?

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.
  2. Click Calls/Texts Logs.
  3. Select the Voice or Text radio button.
  4. Click the phone owner’s name to view their usage details.
  5. Click the *Load 50 More* button to get more details.
  6. Click the Download link on the right side of the screen.
  7. Read this note and click Ok.

Can you view call log on Sprint?

To view your registered account’s usage and call detail: Sign in to Scroll to the Devices section of the My Sprint dashboard and find the device you need information on. Click View call log to see details.

Can the account holder read text messages sprint?

Sprint only saves information on the phone numbers and names of the people who send and receive messages through its service. If you’re looking for a Sprint text message history hack, you won’t find one with Sprint. While Verizon now lets you read your text messages online, Sprint limits them to your phone.

Can you check phone records on Sprint?

As a Sprint customer, you can manage your account online at any time; you can pay your bill, make changes to your account and check your phone records online. Scroll down to the “Devices” section and select your phone to check your phone records. Click “See All Usage” next to the phone’s icon and number.

How far back does Sprint keep phone records?

Sprint: Hangs onto call records and cell tower records for between 18 and 24 months. Internet session and destination info for up to 60 days; text message details for up to 18 months, depending on the device; text message content not retained; Internet session info and destination info for up to 60 days.

Do FaceTime calls show on call log?

FaceTime calls do not show-up as ‘FaceTime’ on your phone bill. It’s simply a data transfer so it will be lumped-in with all other data transfers on your bill, you don’t know what type of data it was, either. FaceTime calls (audio and video) all go thru Apple’s servers so they have a record of the calls.

How can I get call details of other Airtel number?

Trick to Check Call Details of Any airtel number Code

  1. First of all Open Message App and Enter 121 as Number.
  2. Now type “EPREBILL“
  3. Now type Month name of the month Which you want to get details of.
  4. Now type your Email id to receive Call Details of your Mobile number.
  5. Now send from your Airtel mobile number.

How can I permanently delete my WhatsApp call history?

How to clear WhatsApp call logs on Android

  1. Go to Calls tab on your WhatsApp.
  2. Tap the three dots on the top right corner.
  3. Tap Clear call log.
  4. Tap OK.