
How do I know if my phone is a smartphone?

How do I know if my phone is a smartphone?

The easiest way to check your phone's model name and number is to use the phone itself. Go to the Settings or Options menu, scroll to the bottom of the list, and check 'About phone', 'About device' or similar. The device name and model number should be listed.

What exactly is a smartphone?

A smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones, such as an operating system, web browsing and the ability to run software applications.

What are the two types of cell phones?

Two basic technologies in mobile phones, CDMA and GSM, represent a gap you can't cross.

Why do I need a mobile phone?

Cell phones are the perfect way to stay connected with others and provide the user with a sense of security. In the event of emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to reach you quickly and could possibly save lives. … The importance of cell phones goes way beyond the ability to make or receive phone calls.

Is an iPhone a smartphone?

The short answer is no, the iPhone is not an Android phone (or vice versa). While they are both smartphones — that is, phones that can run apps and connect to the Internet, as well as make calls — iPhone and Android are distinct things and they are not compatible with each other.

What can a smart phone do?

Unlike a feature phone, a smartphone keeps users connected through messaging services, email, video calls and social networking apps, in addition to standard text messaging and phone calls. … A mobile operating system (OS) supports the smartphone and provides the device with advanced computing capacities.

Why feature phones are better than smartphones?

Typically, feature phones have much longer battery life than smartphones. This is because they aren't busy running apps and browsing the internet all day, thus giving peace of mind in knowing that your phone likely has a good amount of battery and is available in emergency situations.

What was the first smartphone?

Rob Stothard/Getty People didn't start using the term "smartphone" until 1995, but the first true smartphone actually made its debut three years earlier in 1992. It was called the Simon Personal Communicator, and it was created by IBM more than 15 years before Apple released the iPhone.