
How do I investigate all remaining leads in Velen?

How do I investigate all remaining leads in Velen?

How to ‘investigate all remaining leads’ in Family Matters. Later in the Family Matters quest, you’ll come to a point where you must ‘investigate all remaining leads’. To resolve this, you must complete the other main quest, Ladies of the Wood, to help continue things along.

Should I kill the witches of Crookback bog?

The answer there is, unfortunately, there are no ideal choices. The war orphans that gather in Crookback Bog haven’t a chance of salvation. Whether it be the Crones or She-Who-Knows from the Whispering Hillock, something will kill those poor children.

Should I kill or free the whispering hillock?

Killing the spirit saves the town of Downwarren, but the orphans get taken by the Crones, heavily implied to be eaten by them. Anna from the shock of losing the orphans, looses her mind. The baron then takes her to find a cure far far away.

Should I kill the being in the tree?

If the quest is done BEFORE “Ladies of the Wood” Anna won’t be in the same kind of danger. Killing the Tree Spirit- If you choose to kill the tree, the tree will put up a shield and summon three endreagas that attack. Kill the giant bugs and then wail on the tree spirit. It will put its defence back up.

Can you save the Barons wife?

I’m assuming you mean Anna Strenger, the Bloody Baron’s wife. If that’s the case then yes, you can save her life. During the quest “The Whispering Hillock” you need to kill the tree spirit as the Crones tell you too.

Should I kill the Botchling?

The botchling will start to freak out in the Baron’s arms and only casting Axii will stop it from going feral. If you don’t cast the Axii sign in time, the Botchling will turn nasty and you’ll have no choice but to kill it.

Why is peeves afraid of the Bloody Baron?

Peeves most likely listened to the Bloody Baron because he was scared of him. Though the Hogwarts ghosts are nowhere near as mischievous as Peeves and therefore unlikely to do anything that would anger him like Peeves would, they also seemed to be off-put by his presence.

Does the Bloody Baron ever return?

No, he does not come back.

Does the Bloody Baron die?

When he realised what he had done, the Baron stabbed himself with the same knife and died by suicide. After death, he is one of the ghosts that haunts Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the ghost of Slytherin House.

What happens to the bloody Baron and his wife?

If his wife becomes Hag and you saved the Tree spirit then she will die. Later in the game Baron hangs himself mourning his wife and childrens can be found in the Novigrad school.

Where does the bloody Baron go?

Phillip Strenger, commonly known as the Bloody Baron, was a self-proclaimed baron located in Velen. He took up residence in Crow’s Perch after its previous owner, Vserad, fled to Fyke Isle with his family due to the threat of approaching armies.

How do you let the bloody Baron live?

For the Baron to perish after the events of “Return to Crookback Bog,” all you need to do is release the spirit in the tree during the main questline – the specific quest is still called “The Whispering Hillock.” While this decision confirms The Baron’s death, you still affect exactly how it all plays out.