
How do I get my FedEx account number?

How do I get my FedEx account number?

Locate Your FedEx Account Number

  1. Your FedEx Account Number can be found by logging into your FedEx account on the FedEx website.
  2. Navigate to My Profile.
  3. Click on Account Management in the left navigation panel.
  4. Your Account Number will be displayed to the right of your account nickname.

Are all FedEx account numbers 9 digits?

A 9-digit, FedEx account number. If you do not have a FedEx account number, you can open an account now. Your ID.

What is a FedEx account number used for?

The benefits of a Fedex account include discounts on shipping rates and more advanced reporting tools. It also allows you to ship packages using your Fedex account number, to be billed at a later date. Using a Fedex account number to ship packages is easy to do.

Where is the account number on a FedEx shipping label?

Your FedEx Ground shipper number is located in positions 10–19 of the barcode (separate from the tracking number). The tracking number is 12 characters (with the ability to expand to 14 characters in the future). The tracking number is located in positions 21–34 of the barcode.

Can I use someone else’s FedEx account number?

FedEx may send you, the account owner, an email each time someone else obtains the ability to use your account number for shipping purposes on FedEx Ship Manager® at The email will contain the name of the person who has gained access and a partial account number, as well as other pertinent information.

Are FedEx Ground and Freight account numbers the same?

It is almost always the same as your FedEx parcel account number.

How many digits is a FedEx Freight account?

We are expanding the pool of FedEx Ground shipper numbers (GSNs) to accommodate our growth. Beginning February 1, 2016, new accounts will be issued a nine-digit GSN, as opposed to the traditional seven-digit GSN. (Existing seven-digit account numbers will remain “as is” and will not transition to nine digits.)

What do FedEx shipping numbers look like?

Tracking numbers consist of letters and numbers typically between 8 and 40 characters long sometimes with spaces or hyphens between groupings of characters. FedEx Ground and Express tracking numbers are 12 digits (with the ability to expand to 14 characters in the future), while overall barcode length is 34 digits.

Where do I find my account number on UPS?

By finding the tracking number of a package that was shipped using your UPS account. Look for the string of six numbers and letters that immediately follow “1Z”—that’s your account number….

How can I get someone else’s UPS account number?

You must select a valid UPS account account number. To bill charges to the receiver, go to the Add Shipping Options page and follow these steps: Select Bill Receiver. Specify the receiver’s UPS account number and the postal code for the account.

What is a shipping account?

Shipping Account means the shipping account number that CafePress provides to Company for shipping of Products to Customers.

What is a UPS account number?

What Is the UPS Account Number? Your UPS account number is a six-digit number that identifies your account, whether you have an individual or a corporate account. Assigning each account a unique figure helps UPS track invoices and payments.

Does UPS account cost money?

UPS My Choice offers two levels of membership: Free or Premium. A Basic (free) membership offers core delivery management features with enhanced on demand services. Premium offers even greater control, allowing you to personalize where, when and how your UPS deliveries are made.

Is my UPS account number valid?

To verify you have the correct information in your profile:

  1. Log in to (Be sure to use the same User ID and Password that is in your Shipping API)
  2. Select Account Summary from the My UPS tab rollover menu.
  3. Verify your account is listed; if not, select the Add a UPS Account link.

How do I order UPS supplies?

It’s easy. Simply log in or create a new User ID to start your order. Choose which account number you’d like to use, then make your selections. We offer free UPS supplies including packaging, forms and labels for customers logged into®.

How can I get free shipping supplies?

To get your free USPS shipping supplies, you can order them online through or pick them up from Post Offices nationwide. The post office will allow you to order up to 500 of its shipping boxes or labels free of charge. Minimum orders for most products vary from one to 10 items.

How do I order FedEx supplies?

You can order packaging supplies online, by log in to FedEx Ship ManagerTM with your FedEx ID and password. Alternatively, you can call FedEx Customer Service at 800 FedEx (.

How much does FedEx charge to ship a laptop?

FedEx would keep the charges under $35 with a full tracking feature and a guaranteed delivery within four days. The cost would be around $40 when you choose UPS or the postal service as your service company….

How do I ship a laptop package?

Wrap the shell of the machine with plastic or bubble wrap. To further protect against the risks posed by static electricity in transit, place the laptop in a snug-fitting plastic bag. Separately wrap any cables, plug adaptors, and other accessories in bubble wrap, and secure them with cable ties….

How do you ship electronics?

Pack the box as tight as you can with bubble wrap, foam inserts, or tightly-wadded kraft paper. (Don’t use polystyrene “packing peanuts” or other types of loose-fill packaging–they create static electricity and won’t keep your device from sliding around.) Seal the box with packing tape.