
How do I contact iDriveSafely?

How do I contact iDriveSafely?

If you’re encountering problems with our course or have any other general questions that haven’t been answered, please give our customer support team a call or an e-mail at [email protected]. Our team is available 7 days a week to answer any and all of your driving-related questions and concerns.

When making a driver should you turn right?

Right turns–To make a right turn, drive close to the right edge of the road. If there is a bike lane, drive into the bike lane no more than 200 feet before the turn. Watch for pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists who may get between your vehicle and the curb. Begin signaling about 100 feet before the turn.

What should you do before you turn right at an intersection?

As you prepare to turn, reduce speed and stay as far to the right as possible. Begin the turn in the lane nearest to the right-hand curb and end the turn in the lane nearest the right-hand curb. Give turn signal. Yield to pedestrians who may be crossing your path.

When getting ready to pass you should?

Turn on your left signal. Move to the left lane for passing. Speed up by about 10-15 mph over the speed of the vehicle that you are passing.

Do you turn on high beams at night?

High beam headlights should be used at night, whenever you’re unable to see enough of the road ahead to drive safely. Low visibility at night can be scary for even the most experienced drivers. All states have laws requiring you to dim your high-beam headlights whenever there is a risk of blinding other drivers.

What are the top 9 driving offenses?

Top 9 Traffic Violations and How to Avoid Them

  • SPEEDING. We’re probably all a little guilty of this one.
  • RUNNING RED LIGHTS. Running stop signs are also included in this one.

What is the most common traffic violation?

Here are some of the most common traffic violations:

  • Speeding.
  • Running a red light.
  • Not signaling.
  • Crossing the median.
  • Driving in car pool lane.
  • Not stopping for school bus.
  • Not stopping for pedestrians.
  • Not using seat belt.

When annoyed by another driver what step should you take to be a safe driver?

When annoyed by another driver, what step should you take to be a safe driver? Take a deep breath.

Which time is the most difficult to be alert and therefore the most dangerous to drive?

Which time period is the most difficult to be alert and therefore the most dangerous to drive? Between 12 AM and 6 AM.

How do I not get angry when driving?

Managing Your Stress and Anger When Driving

  1. Remind yourself you’re in control of yourself and your vehicle.
  2. Recognize it’s not your job to manage how other drivers behave.
  3. Stay cool and drive defensively.
  4. Plan to enjoy your trip.
  5. Keep your distance physically and emotionally.
  6. Set an example.
  7. Let it go.