How did the stolen generation come into being?

How did the stolen generation come into being?

The Stolen Generations refers to a period in Australia’s history where Aboriginal children were removed from their families through government policies. In the 1860s, Victoria became the first state to pass laws authorising Aboriginal children to be removed from their parents.

What justified the Stolen Generation?

A further justification used by the government of the day was that it was believed that “Pure Blood” Aboriginal people would die out and that the “Mixed Blood” children would be able to assimilate into society much easier, this being based on the premise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were racially …

How does the Stolen Generation affect today?

The Stolen Generations have had devastating impacts for the people who were forcibly removed as children, their parents and families, and their descendants. All these groups of people experience high rates of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and suicide, and poor health and socioeconomic outcomes.

Why is the Stolen Generation important?

The removal of children broke important cultural, spiritual and family ties and has left a lasting and intergenerational impact on the lives and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

What does the Stolen Generations refer to?

The Stolen Generations refer to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who were removed from their families by Australian Federal and State government agencies and church missions between 1910 and 1970 through a policy of assimilation.

What does Stolen Generations mean?

Stolen Generation. The term Stolen Generation refers to the removal of Aboriginal children from their families by Australian government agencies and church missions between approximately 1900 and 1972. Originally considered child welfare, the practice is perceived by some as having wreaked extensive family and cultural damage.

Why were generations of children stolen?

These children, known as the Stolen Generation, were often under five years of age. They were taken away from their families because the government did not believe in the future of the Aborigines . They thought it would be better to bring them to white families. Many methods were used to separate Aboriginal babies and children from their families.

What was Australia’s Stolen Generation?

The Stolen Generations (also known as Stolen Children) were the children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by the Australian Federal and State government agencies and church missions, under acts of their respective parliaments. Nov 18 2019