
How cold is 58 degrees?

How cold is 58 degrees?

In the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees (at sea level), so 58 in that scale is cool. Comfortable to mildly chilly, depending on the person’s temperature preference.

Is 63 degrees cold in Florida?

Hot:84-99 F (29-37.5 C) Warm:70-84 F (21-29 C) Cool:55-69 F (13-21 C) Cold: Below 55 F (Below 13 C)

Is 70 degrees warm enough to wear shorts?

70 degrees is my temperature standard for shorts (and motorcycle riding too). If it’s sunny, I’d wear them when it’s 70. I usually wait til 75 or higher, but sometimes if I’m going to be int he sun I’ll wear them.

Is 60 degrees cold in a house?

Recommended Temperature When the Home is Vacant For short periods of time away, like going to work, we’d recommend a temperature of around 55 – 60 degrees (F). While away on long periods of time, such as vacation, we don’t recommend setting the temperature any lower than 50 degrees (F).

Is 65 a good house temperature?

Temperature When You’re Away When you’re not home, you should set your thermostat between 60 and 65 degrees. If you have houseplants, the ideal temperature is usually between 60 and 75 degrees. While one afternoon at 50 degrees probably won’t harm plants, a week long vacation with your house below 60 could kill them.

What should I keep my thermostat at in winter?

What Temperature Should You Set Your Thermostat to in the Winter? For winter, the ideal thermostat temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re at home. 68 degrees is a good room temperature while you’re awake at home, but recommends lowering it while you’re asleep or away.

Does turning off your heat save money?

VERIFY: No, turning your heat completely off when you leave won’t save you money. Both the U.S. Department of Energy and Pepco agree, setting your house just 7 to 10 degrees cooler for an 8 hour period slashes your heating bill by 10 percent.

What temperature should I leave my house on vacation in winter?

around 50 degrees