How can I use lack of a better word?

How can I use lack of a better word?

: not having (the thing specified) They called it a comet, for lack of a better term/word. For lack of anything better to do, we went to the park.

What is another word for lack of information?

1. Ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, uneducated mean lacking in knowledge or in training.

What is the word that means lack of interest or care?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.

What does lack of interest mean?

: lack of interest. : the quality or state of not being influenced by personal feelings, opinions, or concerns.

What does lack of care mean?

Indifference can be compared to apathy, which means “lack of concern,” though apathy is a little stronger: Apathy means you don’t care whether your friends call you; indifference means you don’t care what movie you end up seeing — you don’t have a strong preference for any of the choices.

What is it called when someone doesn’t care?

I can’t think of a noun, but you can say “that person is apathetic”. Apathetic at Oxford Dictionaries. adjective showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Why am I losing interest in the things I used to like?

Losing interest in everything that you used to love is a sign that something is wrong. It is most likely because you are feeling negative emotions, such as stress, depression, or perhaps even anxiety.

How do I regain my passion?

8 Mental Hacks to Regain Your Motivation and Passion

  1. Focus on intrinsic motivation.
  2. Tap into your bigger purpose.
  3. Ditch the negatives.
  4. Stop overthinking it.
  5. Connect with your values.
  6. Block off one day of your week for passion work.
  7. Tap into good memories.
  8. Know how you’re helping others.

Why am I losing my passion?

Here are some causes of loss of passion and some steps you can take to reignite your passion. Work has become too routine – Routine can lead to boredom after a while. If you are continuously creating something new and different then your are probably still very excited, even emotional, when it comes to your passion.

How do I regain my motivation?

7 Things You Can do Today to Regain Your Motivation at Work

  1. Change Your Scenery to Take Your Mind Off the Problem.
  2. Get Back to Basics. Remind Yourself Why You Started.
  3. Reset Your Focus with New (and Improved) Intentions.
  4. Choose to Adopt a Positive Mindset.
  5. Surround Yourself With Passionate People.
  6. Have a WTF Attitude About Everything You Do.
  7. Be Patient.

How can I fix my laziness?

How to overcome laziness

  1. Make your goals manageable. Setting unrealistic goals and taking on too much can lead to burnout.
  2. Don’t expect yourself to be perfect.
  3. Use positive instead of negative self-talk.
  4. Create a plan of action.
  5. Use your strengths.
  6. Recognize your accomplishments along the way.
  7. Ask for help.
  8. Avoid distraction.