
Does Raskolnikov have a mental illness?

Does Raskolnikov have a mental illness?

In part I of the novel, Dostoevsky describes Raskolnikov as “having been in an overstrained irritable condition, verging on hypochondria” for some time past (1). When out in public, he is almost always preoccupied with his own agitated thoughts or muttering to himself in a state of feverish confusion.

What makes Crime and Punishment a classic?

Crime and Punishment is written as a corporeal novel, where the physicality and bodily nature of the crime and guilt are intensely portrayed and described. The psychological elements of the text are what make Crime and Punishment an outstanding work and a classic which has stood the test of time.

What happens in crime and punishment?

Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-student in Saint Petersburg who formulates a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her money.

Why does svidrigailov let Dunya go?

Svidrigailov does not rush Dunya; instead, he gives her all the time she needs in order to reload the pistol. He is willing to let Dunya kill him. Svidrigailov feels that this is a good sign. He takes her in his arms and asks her if she can love him.

Who is Marfa Petrovna in crime and punishment?

Marfa Petrovna: A woman with a rich estate to whom Dounia works as a governess, Marfa blames Dounia for her husband’s (Svidrigailov) infidelity. After she finds out the truth, she goes out of her way to restore Dounia’s good name. Marfa’s marriage to the younger man, Svidrigailov, is full of hidden stipulations.

Who is svidrigailov engaged to?

Why does Raskolnikov decide to follow Svidrigailov? Svidrigailov says that he is engaged to a 16 year old girl. Raskolnikov is still concerned for his sister despite Svidrigailov’s engagement.

Why did Nikolai confess in crime and punishment?

Nikolai is suspected of murdering the old woman and Lizaveta, for a time, because he attempted to pawn an item dropped by Raskolnikov during his escape. Nikolai confesses falsely to the murder, under apparent coercion, but his lie is discovered by Porfiry.

How are svidrigailov and Raskolnikov similar?

Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov are both criminals in the novel Crime and Punishment, but they are very different in the execution and intention behind their crimes, the justice (or lack thereof) they face, and the ways they interact with Sonia, a girl who they both admire. Raskolnikov, on the other hand, is a murderer.

Who is Zametov in crime and punishment?

Zametov (Zamyotov), Alexander Gigorevitch The chief clerk at the police station. Ilya Petrovitch A loud and somewhat overbearing police official to whom Raskolnikov makes his confession when there was no one else to confess to.

What chapter does Raskolnikov confess to Sonya?

Raskolnikov has committed a double murder and gotten away with it. He confesses to Sonia, the merciful, suffering prostitute whose life has become intertwined with his own. My friends, this scene, Part 5 Chapter 4 of Crime and Punishment, is one of the most intense, beautiful, and surprising scenes I’ve ever read.