
Does Pope Francis speak English?

Does Pope Francis speak English?

— — As Pope Francis delivered his address on the South Lawn of the White House this morning, the pontiff spoke in English, albeit slowly and with a heavy accent. His Holiness, who is Argentinian born, is a native Spanish speaker. He also speaks fluent Italian. But not English.

Was there a pope who was a pirate?

How did Baldassarre Cossa, the pirate pope, become the leader of the Catholic Church? From 1410-1415, Cossa reigned as Pope John XXIII, but he wasn’t the only pope at the time. In fact, Cossa was one of three popes who struggled to rule over the church.

Which Pope closed the Second Vatican Council?

Paul VI
The Council, through the Holy See, was formally opened under the pontificate of John XXIII on 11 October 1962, and was closed under Paul VI on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December 1965.

What is pope Francis first language?

According to the Vatican, the Argentinian Pope’s primary language is that of Spanish but after picking up various languages over the years, he is also known to be fluent in Italian, Piedmontese (a language found in the northern region of Italy), Portuguese, Ukrainian, French, German, and of course, Latin (the official …

How many anti popes are there?

About forty or so men hold a dubious distinction. They are considered Antipopes – false rivals to the Popes. Between the 3rd and 15th centuries, there would be many claims to who should be Pontiff of Rome.

Who was pope in 1412?

Baldassarre Cossa (c. 1370 – 22 December 1419) was Pisan antipope John XXIII (1410–1415) during the Western Schism.

When did Pope John XXIII give his famous speech?

– Pope John XXIII Fifty-five years ago tonight, on the night of October 11, 1962, Pope John XXIII gave the most popular and memorable papal speech of all time, known as his “moonlight speech.”

When is the feast day of Pope John XXIII?

Pope John XXIII. The Catholic Church celebrates his feast day not on the date of his death (3 June), as is usual, nor his birth, or even on the day of his papal coronation (as is the case with several canonised popes, such as John Paul II) but on 11 October – the day of the first session of the Second Vatican Council.

When did Pope John XXIII call for an ecumenical council?

Far from being a mere “stopgap” pope, to great excitement, John XXIII called for an ecumenical council fewer than ninety years after the First Vatican Council (Vatican I’s predecessor, the Council of Trent, had been held in the 16th century).

When did Pope John XXIII become Pope Paul VI?

In John XXIII’s first consistory on 15 December of that same year, Montini was created a cardinal and would become John XXIII’s successor in 1963, taking the name of Paul VI. Pope John XXIII’s coronation on 4 November 1958. He was crowned wearing the 1877 Palatine Tiara.