Does period go inside parentheses or outside?

Does period go inside parentheses or outside?

The period is a strong punctuation mark—think of it as controlling the action in the sentence, which occurs outside the parentheses. 2. When a whole sentence falls inside parentheses, the period goes inside. Correct: (Several other courses were offered, but they were not as popular.)

How do you properly write a quote?

Proper Punctuation – Quotes

  1. If you start by telling who said it, use a comma and then the first quotation mark.
  2. If you put the quote first and then tell who said it, use a comma at the end of the sentence, and then the second quotation mark.
  3. Punctuation always goes inside the quotation marks if it is a direct quote.

When you end a sentence with a quote where does the period go APA?

The punctuation for the sentence goes AFTER the parenthesis. If your quote is forty words or more, set it off in a block text by beginning a new line, indenting one inch, and do not add quotation marks. At the end of the quote put the period after the last word of the sentence followed by the parentheses.

How do you put a question in a quote?

Punctuation Junction: Question Marks and Quotation Marks

  1. When the quotation itself is a question, put the question mark inside the quotation marks.
  2. When the sentence as a whole is a question, but the quoted material is not, put the question mark outside the quotation marks.

Do question marks go after in text citations?

When you are ending a sentence with a direct quote that ends in a question mark, you will need to have a period after the parenthetical citation. Since it is a direct quote, you will need to have a citation to show exactly where you got the quote.

How do you end a sentence with a quote and cite it?

1. The final period or comma goes inside the quotation marks, even if it is not a part of the quoted material, unless the quotation is followed by a citation. If a citation in parentheses follows the quotation, the period follows the citation.

How do you use dots in a quote?

Use ellipsis points to show omission within the quotation. Omit any punctuation on either side of the ellipsis, unless the punctuation is necessary to make the shortened quotation grammatically correct.