Does Jon and Daenerys marry?

Does Jon and Daenerys marry?

She tells Sansa that she put her life long quest for the Iron Throne on hold to join the fight against the Night King (which has cost her one of her dragons) because of her love for Jon. Jon tells Daenerys that Rhaegar didn’t rape Lyanna; he loved her and they were married in secret.

Who does Jon Snow sleep with first?


Is Arya in love with Jon?

According to the outline, Arya “realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon, who is not only her half-brother but a man of the Night’s Watch, sworn to celibacy.

Did Jon Snow really love ygritte?

Although Ygritte is long dead, Jon still loves her and cannot bring himself to sleep with another woman. Melisandre apparently senses this within Jon, and as she leaves, she quotes Ygritte by telling him, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”

Does Jon Snow love daenerys more than ygritte?

He loves Daenerys more. Well, he said he loved Ygritte, but I haven’t heard him say he loves Dany.

What if ygritte lived?

Ygritte did marry Jon snow under wildling tradition. If she survived the battle of Castle Black then she probably would have become a prisoner of Castle Black (like Tormund was in the show) and forced to take the knee. Most likely she would have gone with the other spearwives who accompanied Mance Rayder to Winterfell.

Would ygritte have killed Jon?

Yes, she was driven by anger (I wouldn’t say revenge) but ultimately love won in Ygritte. If it were up to her she would stay the rest of her life aiming an arrow at him out of anger but unable to shoot it out of love. So no, Ygritte would’ve never killed Jon and that’s precisely why she died.

Does Jon Snow Fall in Love?

Jon spent season 7 falling in love with Daenerys, only to find out he’s been sleeping with his aunt this entire time. Jon proceeds to brood in the crypt, as one does, where Daenerys finds him on the eve of the Battle of Winterfell. Here, the know-nothing tells Daenerys the truth — and she’s shocked.

Are ygritte and Tormund related?

They are from the same clan-which often means they would be distantly related. Tormund definitely cares about her more than other wildlings in their clan. There is nothing that states they are related, but it’s certainly possibly, not only are they both red-haired but they share the same fearless spirit.