Do you speak any English in Spanish?

Do you speak any English in Spanish?

¿Habla inglés? [ex.] do you speak english? Do you speak English? ¿habla inglés?

How do you ask if you speak English?

“Would you please say that in English?” assuming something has been said. You can be ultra-polite, “May I please request you to speak in English?” You can also be firm and to the point, yet polite – “Please speak in English”. Politeness is actually in the speaker’s tone.

Do you speak English in Spanish duolingo?

You speak English.: Tú hablas inglés. Do you speak English?: ¿Hablas tú inglés?

What’s the difference between Habla and hablar?

Yes there is a difference, both are in the present tense but ‘habla’ is in the indicative mood and ‘hable’ is in the subjunctive mood. You use the indicative mood when the reason of your sentence is to declare things that are true or when you at least want to declare that you believe them to be true.

What does he like in Spanish duolingo?

If we say ‘he likes it’ it will be ‘a él le gusta’. So then if we wanna say ‘what does he like?’20

Does he like Spanish food duolingo?

Answer: Yes, he likes Spanish food.29

Do you like the zoo Sir in Spanish duolingo?

So the correct answer is “le gusta” and “señor”.3

Do you like to travel often in Spanish duolingo?

viajar = to travel / a menudo = often you could say ‘viajo a Madrid’ = I travel to Madrid or ‘viajo a menudo’ = i travel often. Viajar is used in the infinitive in the DL sentence i.e. ‘to travel’ and the ‘a’ belongs to the ‘menudo’ so translates as ‘do you like to travel often?’24

Can you open the window in Spanish?

¿Puedes abrir la ventana, por favor?…

can poder la lata
open abierto abrir
the el la
window la ventana
please por favor

Do you like running in the park in Spanish duolingo?

In Spanish, they just say “te gusta correr”, which is literally “to run pleases you”.16

Do you want those shirts in Spanish duolingo?

It said that the correct solution is QUIERES ESAS CAMISA which would mean do you want those shirt….1

Where do you want to play tennis in Spanish duolingo?

¿Dónde quieres jugar a tenis? = where do you want to play tennis. ¿Dónde vas? = where are you going.13

Is it rude to ask if someone speaks English?

In most cases here, its all about attitude, if you are humble, have learned to say that question in the language of the native it is not rude. If you are humble and asks in English, it is still not rude. However, if you expects people to know English despite it not being their native language, you are rude.