
Did Walt know Brock would live?

Did Walt know Brock would live?

Walt knew there was a good chance Brock wasn’t going to die from it (or at least that’s what I like to believe). There wasn’t a chance Walt knew Brock wouldn’t die, he knew exactly how much to give him so he didn’t die.

What happened with the ricin cigarette in breaking bad?

The cigarette was stolen from him in Season 4, a plan by Walt to confuse Jesse into perhaps believing he recklessly left it out for Brock to take and accidentally poison himself. As above but Walt had the ricin cigarette lifted (by Saul’s bodyguard Huell) so that Jesse would think Brock had been poisoned with it.

Did Walt kill Brock?

Walt poisons Brock to turn Jesse against Gus Fring It’s an evil trick that works. The truth is that Walt did poison Brock — just not with ricin. Instead, he used a Lily of the Valley plant which was growing in his backyard. The effects of ingesting the flower mimicked the ricin that Jesse assumed Brock had eaten.

Can lily of the valley kill you?

Can lily of the valley kill you? All parts of lily of the valley are poisonous and severe poisoning cases can cause death, especially to children or pets, though fatality is possible in adults. If ingested, call 911, the Poison Control Center at or ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Hotline at

Is it OK to touch Lily of the Valley?

Answer: Lily of the valley is extremely toxic if ingested. It can also cause severe dermatitis if touched.

What eats lily of the valley?

In hot, dry conditions, spider mites may suck sap from leaves, causing them to turn yellow or stipple. Some gardeners claim weevils are also snacking on their lily of the valley plants, but their appearance is usually brief and does not hurt the plant. The most common and prevalent of the pests are snails and slugs.

Does snake plant attract money?

Apart from the most popular plants that are used in Feng Shui, there are some other plants that are said to bring good fortune: Sansevieria Snake Plant is a type of succulent with long sword-shaped leaves that is claimed to be a bringer of luck and also help purify the air.