
Can you trade from platinum to black?

Can you trade from platinum to black?

This is a ONE-WAY TRANSFER! Pokémon sent from Pokémon Platinum to Pokémon Black cannot be sent back to Pokémon Platinum! To transfer pokémon from Pokémon Platinum to Pokémon Black, go to Route 15 in Pokémon Black and go into the Poké Transfer Lab. When you are informed that the pokémon can’t be sent back, choose Yes.

How do I transfer Pokemon from platinum to black 2?

To transfer pokémon from Pokémon Platinum to Pokémon Black 2, go to Route 15 in Pokémon Black 2 and go into the Poké Transfer Lab. Go inside. If this is your first visit, a scientist will talk to you and take you to the top of the room.

Can you trade between white and platinum?

Trade Not Possible from Pokémon White to Pokémon Platinum Sorry, but it’s not possible to trade from Pokémon White to Pokémon Platinum. That’s because pokémon can’t be traded from newer games to older ones.

Can I trade Pokemon from platinum to Sun?

To transfer pokémon from Pokémon Platinum to Pokémon Sun, you need to do the following steps: Transfer the pokémon from Pokémon Platinum to Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, or Pokémon White 2. Transfer the pokémon from Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, or Pokémon White 2 to Pokémon Sun.

Can you use PokeBank with platinum?

Nope, the Pokemon Bank only works with XY, ORAS, and SM. Edit: Right, forgot about the Poke Transporter. The bank itself it unavailable for them, but you can pull into the Pokemon bank with the Transporter for BW and B2W2. Sigh

How do I transfer money from Platinum to bank?

1 Answer

  1. Step 1: Purchase Pokémon Bank.
  2. Step 2: Download Poké Transporter.
  3. Step 3: Get two DS systems.
  4. Step 4: Follow the steps in the link.
  5. Step 5: Put your BW/BW2 game in the DS with PokeBank.
  6. Step 6: Open PokeBank, select “transfer” and select your game.

Can you trade Pokemon from platinum to sword?

Yes, and it takes forever to do it. You usually have to go up one game at a time with various transfer methods, unless you use pokémon bank to transfer your pokemon to pokemon home and then sword and shield from there.

Can I trade from platinum to Omega Ruby?

To transfer pokémon from Pokémon Platinum to Pokémon Omega Ruby, you need to do the following steps: Transfer the pokémon from Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, or Pokémon White 2 to Pokémon Omega Ruby

Can you trade between platinum and Alpha Sapphire?

To transfer pokémon from Pokémon Platinum to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, you need to do the following steps: Transfer the pokémon from Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, or Pokémon White 2 to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

What games can Omega Ruby trade with?

2 Answers. Only X and Y (and Alpha Sapphire if that counts as older) but Pokemon can be transferred from Black and White 2 with Pokemon Bank, so you can kind of indirectly trade Pokemon over like that. But if you don’t have PokeBank, the only games Omega Ruby can directly communicate with are Alpha Sapphire, X, and Y.

How do you poke transfer?

Open Poke Transporter, choose the Pokemon game you want to transfer from, then select Box 1 with all the Pokemon inside that you want to transfer. This will transfer the Pokemon from that game to Pokemon Bank via Poke Transporter

Can glitch Mew be traded to Pokemon bank?

1 Answer. Mew could only legally be obtained in Virtual Consoles through an event. All Mew received from such an event have an OT of “GF” and an OT ID of “22796”. If a Mew does not have these values, it won’t transfer