Can you self teach philosophy?

Can you self teach philosophy?

No, you cannot become a self-taught philosopher. Pretty much all philosophers throughout history have come to be philosophers through a strenuous and often long period of mental training, directed by a master who teaches them how to think.

Which philosopher should I read first?

One needs to read the books and thinkers in order — that’s one common conception. First you need to read Plato, and only after that study his student, Aristotle. But of course, before Plato (one discovers, while reading Plato, to dismay and chagrin!) one really should have read the pre-Socratics.

How do I study myself philosophy?

6 tips for teaching yourself philosophy

  1. Start from a position of ignorance.
  2. Expect to go slowly.
  3. Read when you are most alert.
  4. Pick whatever interests you the most.
  5. Get a philosophical dictionary.
  6. Familiarize yourself with the history of Western Thought.

Is it possible to be self taught?

If you go about it correctly, you can teach yourself anything in just a few months. Poorly applied, however, self-education can be a stressful nightmare. Self-education is good for just about any branch of knowledge or skills you want to acquire….

Is self taught good?

In my experience, self-education tends to be very good at high-level ideas. If you wanted to spend a few months understanding evolutionary biology, you could probably read about a dozen books on the topic. The problem is when one tries to replace self-education for more formal training….

Can I self study physics?

You can take a look there. I studied physics and think the scripts and materials listed there, are really comprehensive to study the most important topics on physics. You should solve as many problems as you can find to learn a theory. Don’t just read texts or books….

How can I learn on my own?

The 9 Steps That Will Help You Learn Anything

  1. Talk to someone who’s already learned it.
  2. Immerse yourself in the learning process.
  3. Learn in short bursts.
  4. Write everything down.
  5. Focus on the fundamentals.
  6. Find a way to self-correct.
  7. Practice consistently.
  8. Explain what you’ve learned to someone else.

Can you self-study A levels?

When you’re self-studying an A-level via distance learning, it’s your responsibility to register yourself with the exam board and book yourself in for exams (you’ll need to pay a fee to do this).

How can I learn anything quickly?

If you want to get a jump start on expanding your knowledge, here are 10 proven ways you can start learning faster today.

  1. Take notes with pen and paper.
  2. Have effective note-taking skills.
  3. Distributed practice.
  4. Study, sleep, more study.
  5. Modify your practice.
  6. Try a mnemonic device.
  7. Use brain breaks to restore focus.