Can you refuse to rent to a convicted felon?

Can you refuse to rent to a convicted felon?

Yes, it is a form of discrimination. (Under federal law, however, it is illegal for a landlord to discriminate against a tenant who has a felony conviction for drug use — but a landlord can discriminate against someone with a felony record for drug sale or manufacture.)

Can a felon rent an apartment in Texas?

However, felony convictions are not included. No matter how long ago your conviction may have been the landlord holds the right to deny you housing based on your past convictions. Not renting to a person with a felony is a rental standard designed to minimize the landlord’s liability risk.

Can a felon rent an apartment in Tennessee?

All housing applicants must be treated fairly and equitably. This same mandate also applies to felons. As a result, it is considered acceptable, legally, to deny a rental apartment to a felon as long as the refusal is not connected to a federally protected class.

What states restore felons gun rights?

Regarding gun rights reinstatement, Minnesota, Montana and Ohio automatically do so for nonviolent offenders following time served and allow violent offenders to petition for restoration.

How long does a felony stay on your record in PA?

Any felony or misdemeanor conviction can be expunged if there has been no criminal supervision in the preceding 10 years.

What felonies Cannot be expunged in PA?

The new law would prohibit expungement of convictions for the following offenses: possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a court facility (18 Pa. C.S. Section 913), simple assault graded as a misdemeanor of the second-degree (18 Pa. Section 3129), impersonating a public servant (18 Pa.

How much does it cost to expunge your record in PA?

Pennsylvania has expungement laws that help people who received a summary offense, Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) or had an arrest that did not lead to a conviction. Expungement usually takes about 4 to 6 months. Attorneys typically charge between $700 to to $1000 to expunge your record.

Can a felon own a muzzleloader in PA?

No, a convicted felon cannot possess any firearm , including Muzzleloaders nowhere in the U.S. under code usc-922g.

Can I hunt with an AR 15 in Pennsylvania?

In 2017, Pennsylvania became the last state to legalize semi-automatic rifles – including AR-15s – for hunting. Ahead of the March 2017 Board of Game Commissioners meeting, the Pennsylvania Game Commission sent out 4,000 surveys about semi-automatic guns.