Can you pack a punch twice in Black Ops 2?

Can you pack a punch twice in Black Ops 2?

If the gun was bought from the Mystery Box, a Max Ammo will be needed to replenish ammo. Double PAP(Pack–A-Punch) will cause an attachment to be changed. Only the weapons that are in Black Ops 2 Multiplayer can be Pack-A-Punched more than one time.

Can you pack a punch a bowie knife?

No, but if you have the Bowie Knife, you can get the Ballistic Knife from the Mystery Box and the Bowie Knife will be attached to that, AND you can Pack-a-punch the Ballisitic Knife to make it into the Reffibilitator (sp). When you shoot a teammate with that, it automatically brings them back from second chance.

How long is Galvaknuckles one hit?

The Galvaknuckles are an instant kill from waves 1-13. It takes 2 hits to kill a zombie from waves 13-25. Anything above wave 25 is 3+ hits to kill a zombie. This weapon is a melee weapon that replaces the regular Combat Knife.

Can you pack a punch in farm bo2?

There is no pack a punch on Farm.

Are Galvaknuckles worth it?

Galvaknuckles are really useful on farm survival. They’re great for points until about 13, and they really help with the trolls in the fog, but can you still use the hatch on the bus? you can access the bus from outside if need be. otherwise it’s not too important to get up from inside the bus.

Where are Galvaknuckles in Die rise?

Die Rise. The Galvaknuckles are located in the elevator shaft near the Mystery Box. To get there, go to the Trample Steam room, and jump towards the mattresses near the B23R on the wall.

How do you open the bank door in TranZit?

To open the door in the bank vault, you will need to have two people. One who can stay at the door in the Hidden Power room and one who can enter the bank vault. One person will need to activate the Turbine at the door below the outhouse which will then make the door inside the vault open.

Can you open the vault in town survival?

The bank vault is located in the Town which is at the 5th bus stop. Just jump off the bus through the first set of doors and immediately on your right is the bank. You’ll need to pay the fee to open the bank door and gain entry. It’s about 750 credits.