Can you have a blow off valve without turbo?
Can you have a blow off valve without turbo?
You can’t put a blow off valve on a naturally aspirated car because induction (the sucking of air into the engine) is done using vacuum. So if you want that cool sound that turbocharged cars have whenever they shift gears, you need a turbocharged car.
Do blow off valves work on automatics?
YES! In some instances a blow off valve is needed more for the auto because the turbo is continually spooled with an auto vs. a 5 speed. It will be just as loud with an auto as a 5 speed because you are making boost (boost is boost).
Does a blow off valve add horsepower?
It doesn’t cause it but since the stock valve leaks so much using an aftermarket valve and a few bolt ons can get you to the point that your boost is high enough to trigger fuel cut.
Are blow off valves illegal?
It is illegal because there is a possibilty that the vented air can contain hydrocarbons from blowby or a bad turbo seal. Venting it into the atmosphere bypasses the smog control device (cat) and is technically illegal.
Can a blow-off valve damage your engine?
The simple answer is NO! A Turbosmart BOV or BPV are designed and engineered to improve the performance of your turbocharger system and NOT damage your engine.
Why do turbos leak oil?
Oil leaks can be caused by a variety of factors, the main factor being incorrect pressure within the compressor and turbine housings. Oil leaks can cause catastrophic damage to the bearing systems and occur within seconds of the turbocharger commencing operation.
Do turbo engines use more oil?
All engines consume some amount of oil, past the rings and valve stem seals. Turbo cars, particularly older ones or very high performance ones, tend to consume more. Oil can seep past the turbine and compressor seals, leading to more consumption.
Do Turbos need synthetic oil?
Turbo systems are made up of moving parts which spin at incredibly high speeds, and work under intense heat and pressure. For the best performance from a turbocharger, change the oil at least every 5,000 miles, replacing it with a fully-synthetic oil which is the right API for your car’s engine type.
Will a bad turbo burn oil?
When the shaft in the Turbo Charger wears and begins to wobble, the seals will not be able to contain the oil in the turbo charger. If the oil leaks past the shaft seals, it will go directly into the intake Manifold and into the combustion chambers. You would see a lot of continuous blue smoke as it is burned.
Do turbos work better cold weather?
As air temperature increases, the density of the air, and the amount of oxygen it holds decreases. This means that the turbocharger has to work harder, spin faster and compress more air to produce the same amount of boost it would at lower temperatures.