Can you go underneath an island?

Can you go underneath an island?

Yes, the land really does go all the way down. An island is mostly rock, so if it didn’t go all the way down it would sink! The exception is ice-bergs, which do float, ice being less dense than water. Look at a map of the Earth, and you’ll notice that there’s no land marked at the north pole.

Is there fresh water under the ocean?

In a new survey of the sub-seafloor off the U.S. Northeast coast, scientists have made a surprising discovery: a gigantic aquifer of relatively fresh water trapped in porous sediments lying below the salty ocean. It appears to be the largest such formation yet found in the world.

What if all ocean water were to become freshwater?

Most species, including humans, would not survive for long. This escalation of the greenhouse effect would make some parts of the world unbearably hot. This would be most noticeable at the Equator since our ocean currents would no longer circulate warm water and air currents the way they used to.

Will the sea run out of salt?

As others have written, the seas will never “run out” of salt. The salt come from the water (either in the ocean or falling as rain) dissolving the rocks and soils it contacts. This is how “inland seas” such as the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake have formed and are far saltier than the general oceans.

What would happen if there was no salt in the ocean?

Marine algae are responsible for at least half of Earth’s oxygen production, so there would be mass extinctions on land as well. Eventually, the oceans would resalinate because minerals are continually dissolved from the land by rivers and carried to the sea, but this would take tens of thousands of years.

What would happen if the sea water is not salty?

A sea without salt would decimate marine life and dramatically affect our weather and temperatures, making human life on Earth very difficult, if not impossible. There are roughly 228,450 species in the ocean, and as many as 2 million more to be discovered. But for the most part, all saltwater species would perish.

Do all rivers end at the sea?

Where do rivers end? The great majority of rivers eventually flow into a larger body of water, like an ocean, sea, or large lake. The end of the river is called the mouth.

Can a river come from a lake?

As ice and snow melt, streams begin to flow downward from high mountains and the bases of glaciers. Lakes with outflowing streams can become the headwaters of rivers, but only if they do not have streams that flow into them. (The inflowing stream—not the lake—would be a source of the river.)