
Can you change the font style on an iPhone?

Can you change the font style on an iPhone?

You can open Settings, then Display and Brightness. Go to Text Size. By moving the slider, you can make the text larger or smaller. If you have iOS 10 or below, then you would need to head to Settings, General, and then Text Size.

How do you change text in Word?

Find and replace text

  1. Go to Home > Replace or press Ctrl+H.
  2. Enter the word or phrase you want to locate in the Find box.
  3. Enter your new text in the Replace box.
  4. Select Find Next until you come to the word you want to update.
  5. Choose Replace. To update all instances at once, choose Replace All.

How do you edit someone else’s word document?

How to Co-Edit a Document in Word 2016

  1. Save your Word document to OneDrive or a SharePoint Online.
  2. Click the Share button in Word and then enter one or more email addresses of people you want to share with.
  3. Set their permissions to “Can edit” (selected by default).
  4. Add a message if you like, and for “Automatically share changes” choose “Always”.

How can you edit a document?

Click Edit Document > Edit in Word for the web to make changes to a document. When you open a document from OneDrive, Word for the web displays it in Reading view. To make changes to your document, switch to Editing view, where you can add and delete content and do other things, such as: Add tables and pictures.

Can you see the editing history of a Word document?

Open the file you want to view. Go to File > History. Note: If you don’t see History on your navigation pane it’s possible that you actually have a subscription version of Office. Select the Info button on the navigation pane and see if you can access Version History there.

How do you proofread a document?

17 Proofreading Techniques:

  1. Step Away, Then Focus. Whenever possible, step away from the document before proofreading.
  2. Print a Hard Copy Proof of Your Document.
  3. Read Aloud.
  4. Align With Company Style Standards.
  5. Remove Excess Words.
  6. Explain or Remove Jargon.
  7. Check Sentence Structure.
  8. Review Flow and Sequencing.