
Can you buy tickets in advance at a movie theater?

Can you buy tickets in advance at a movie theater?

Depending on the film and theater, you may be able to buy your ticket far in advance or you may have to wait until it is closer to the actual showing date. Enter in your payment information. Most online ticketing services accept a variety of credit or debit cards along with online payment services, such as PayPal.

What is the best way to buy movie tickets?

Tips include buying tickets at Costco and going to the theater on a discount day….Things to do before you go

  1. Join a loyalty program. Movie theater loyalty programs reward frequent patrons with discounts.
  2. Check out Costco. Did you know Costco sells movie tickets and gift cards for movie tickets?
  3. Leverage your dinner.

When can you buy R rated movie tickets?

For films rated “R” by the MPAA: REG will not sell tickets to any person under the age of 17 (18 where applicable). A person must be at least 21 years old in order to purchase multiple tickets without providing additional photo I.D. for additional tickets.

Can a 11 year old watch a rated R movie?

The standard age set for Rated-R films by the MPAA is 17 and up, but if they’re accompanied by a parent or guardian, a child of any age is permitted into the theater.

Can 15 year olds watch R movies?

Yes, the MPAA guidelines state that an R rating means an unaccompanied minor must be 17 to purchase a ticket. Be sure to have ID with you, as some cinemas strictly enforce this policy. What do I do if I look too young to get into an R rated movie, but I’m old enough? If you have an ID, bring it with you.

Can a 15 year old watch after we collided?

This film is OK for people 12 and above.

Does AMC check ID for R movies?

Out of the three AMCs that I go to: AMC Stones River 9, AMC CLASSIC Murfreesboro 16, and AMC Dine-In Thoroughbred 20, Thoroughbred is the only one that checks IDs for A-List and R rated films. Always for A-List at my regular theaters. R rated films will vary wildly depending on the employee and you.