Can I reuse Creative Commons videos on YouTube?

Can I reuse Creative Commons videos on YouTube?

The ability to mark uploaded videos with a Creative Commons license is available to all creators. The standard YouTube license remains the default setting for all uploads. By marking your original video with a Creative Commons license, you’re granting the entire YouTube community the right to reuse and edit that video.

Can I reuse a YouTube video?

YouTube utilizes CC licenses in its content. With it, the content creators can grant others to use their work as sort of a standard. The creator retains the copyright of the video while others can reuse your video but under the terms of the license.

Can you monetize Creative Commons?

You can monetize royalty-free or Creative Commons content if the license agreement grants you rights to use it commercially. You can monetize such content, but you must have explicit written permission granting you commercial use rights at any time by the rights holder.

How long do Creative Commons licenses last?

Every Creative Commons license also ensures licensors get the credit for their work they deserve. Every Creative Commons license works around the world and lasts as long as applicable copyright lasts (because they are built on copyright).

Does Creative Commons eliminate copyright?

Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright registration—they apply in addition to copyright. Even if you’re using a Creative Commons license, it is advisable to register your copyright so you can protect your work from unauthorized uses through the courts.

Can you sell Creative Commons?

While the CC Attributions license prohibits you from printing the item and selling it, you can sell it of the cost of filament and electricity to produce the item; you are not able to pay for your own time – you can’t sell the prints for a profit.

What are the types of copyright licenses?

Types of Copyright

  • Public Performing Right. The exclusive right of the copyright owner, granted by the U.S. Copyright Law, to authorize the performance or transmission of the work in public.
  • Public Performance License.
  • Reproduction Right.
  • Mechanical License.
  • Synchronization License.
  • Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings.

What are the six different types of Creative Commons licenses?

What are the different types of CC licenses?

  • Attribution CC BY.
  • Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA.
  • Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND.

What is the difference between Creative Commons and commercial?

Creative Commons licenses: These images are usually free to use, but require credit. They may also have limitations on how, or in what context, you can use them. Commercial or other licenses: These images have non-Creative Commons licenses and can be from either free sites or commercial sites that require payment.

Is Creative Commons a form of copyright?

Creative Commons is actually a license that is applied to a work that is protected by copyright. It’s not separate from copyright, but instead is a way of easily sharing copyrighted work. Copyright confers some pretty heavy duty protections so that others don’t use your work without your permission.

How do I add a Creative Commons license to YouTube?

If you are logged into your account, you can change this by clicking on the ‘Edit Video’ button underneath your video and then clicking on the ‘Advanced’ tab. Click on the dropdown box ‘License and rights ownership’ and select the ‘Creative Commons – Attribution’ option. This will then mark your content as CC BY.

How do I get a Creative Commons Licence?

First steps

  1. What is Creative Commons? (or try the excellent Get CC Savvy course here at School of Open)
  2. You don’t need to register your work – just pick a license!
  3. Make sure your work is copyrightable.
  4. Make sure you have the rights.
  5. Make sure you understand how Creative Commons licenses operate.

How do I get a Creative Commons license?

a) Manually: Insert a copy of the appropriate CC icon from: Add some text, e.g.: “This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License” Insert a hyperlink from your licensing text to the appropriate license.

How do I attribute a Creative Commons image?

Attributing Creative Commons images

  1. Title: The title of the image.
  2. Author: The name of the creator.
  3. Source: The URL where the image is hosted (plus optional link to author profile).
  4. License: The type of Creative Commons license it is available under, including a link to the relevant license.

How do I give credit to Creative Commons?

How do the 6 Creative Commons licenses allow works to be used by others?

The Attribution (CC BY) license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. It is recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

Which are Creative Commons license types choose four answers?


  • Attribution. CC BY.
  • Attribution-ShareAlike. CC BY-SA.
  • Attribution-NoDerivs. CC BY-ND.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial. CC BY-NC.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. CC BY-NC-SA.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs. CC BY-NC-ND.
  • Public Domain.