
Can I mute a blog on Tumblr?

Can I mute a blog on Tumblr?

From your activity feed: Tap the messaging bubble at the bottom of your dashboard. Navigate to the Activity tab, track down an activity item from the post in question, and then press and hold until you’re given the option to tap the “Mute” confirmation button.

Can you block anons on Tumblr?

1. Go to the message in the inbox and press the three grey dots in the corner of the message. 3. Click the blue ‘Block’ and this will block and anonymous messages from that IP address from getting sent to your inbox.

What does blacklist mean on Tumblr?

Tumblr Savior is a free add-on for modern browsers that allows you to block undesired words or phrases from appearing in your Tumblr dashboard. By blacklisting a word in Tumblr Savior, you’re significantly less likely to see posts with that word in them.

Can you mute someone on Tumblr without unfollowing?

On Tumblr, you can’t block a member’s posts without unfollowing him. Click the Tumblr Savior button that was added to your Web browser to display the settings window.

Does Tumblr Savior work on mobile?

If you’re not familiar, Tumblr Savior is a browser extension that allows users to hide posts containing certain keywords or tags. It works great for desktops, but it can’t be used on phones or tablets, and the official Tumblr apps don’t offer any alternatives.

Can you tell if someone blocked you on Tumblr?

Can Tumblr Users Tell They’ve Been Blocked? Tumblr users do not receive a notification informing them that they’ve been blocked. They’d only be able to tell if: They notice your posts no longer appear in their Tumblr timeline.

Will someone know if I block them on Tumblr?

We don’t tell people when you block them, but they might figure it out on their own if, for instance, they visit your blog, try to reblog one of your posts, and are prevented from doing so. If an admin of a Group Blog blocks someone using that account, the block will affect all of the members on that blog.

How do I block a tag?

How to block tags (on Mobile)

  1. Click the settings gear.
  2. Click “General settings”
  3. Click “filtering”
  4. You made it! Now click the “+new”
  5. Add any content you don’t want to see!

How do I get rid of adult content on Tumblr?

Step-2: Log in to your Tumblr account and then click on the Account icon. Step-3: Now go to Settings and switch to the Filtering section. Step-4: Here, just turn the switch present next to Safe Mode to Off position.

What is Tumblr Savior?

If you just want to hide posts about certain topics, Tumblr Savior is here to save you. Just add your most despised terms to the black list and Tumblr Savior will valiantly protect your delicate sensibilities. And if you wonder what got hidden, there’s a handy link to show you.

Does XKit work on Safari?

XKit is a free tool in the form of a web browser extension built exclusively for Tumblr, and is available to download for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

What does it look like when someone blocks you on tumblr?

Tumblr doesn’t alert you if someone blocks you. They will no longer see your original posts on their dashboard but will still see your posts if the people they follow reblog you. You can follow but they won’t show up, that part is correct.

Why does tumblr say no posts found?

if you are doing it on their actual tumblr blog (like in the theme) they deleted it or put it on private, if you are doing it like on your dash where the thing pops up on the side that is just tumblr being stupid bc it happens on and off for me (looking for posts on my own blog) and you can probably still find the post …

What does it look like if someone blocks you on Tumblr?

Tumblr users do not receive a notification informing them that they’ve been blocked. They’d only be able to tell if: They notice your posts no longer appear in their Tumblr timeline. They try to send you a DM and can’t.

What does it look like when a Tumblr blocked you?

What happens when you block a tag on Tumblr?

Filter a tag, and you automatically block all posts that contain the same tag, even if they’ve got other tags added to them. Blocked posts, however, aren’t necessarily hidden — you can still see placeholders on your dashboard.

How do I block hashtags on Tumblr app?

If you want to block or delete hashtags on Tumblr then you have to go to your Tumblr account. Open your account or user settings. After that, under Filtered tags section, tap on a pencil icon. At last, type tags one by one and tap on Add button to block or remove tag related to content.

How do I turn off NSFW filter on Tumblr app?

Turn Tumblr safe mode off on Android Tap on the Account placeholder icon. Tap on the Gear icon at the top right of the screen. Navigate to General Settings and select Filtering. Tap the Safe Mode switch to toggle it off.