
Can I leave my signature for FedEx?

Can I leave my signature for FedEx?

If your shipment requires an indirect signature, you can sign electronically through FedEx Delivery Manager. If you are not home to sign for a direct or adult signature, the courier will leave a door tag or reattempt delivery.

Does FedEx call confirm address?

FedEx told us over email that they don’t make automated calls to customers. FedEx is also warning about an email scam that’s going around. The subject line says shipping confirmation, and wants you to verify your info. FedEx says they do not send unsolicited emails.

How much does it cost to send a FedEx overnight?

Estimated FedEx One Rate prices by package type and delivery time

Delivery commitment5 3rd day by 4:30 p.m.6 Next day by 3 p.m.6
Service FedEx Express Saver® FedEx Standard Overnight®
Packaging type
FedEx® Envelope $9.50 $29.55
FedEx® Pak $10.10 $50.30

How do I get a FedEx label?

You can request FedEx Ground barcode labels by calling 1.800.GoFedEx 1.and saying “order shipping supplies” at the prompt. If you don’t have your own barcode labels, you can take your package to a FedEx location, and we can create one for you.

How do I send a prepaid FedEx label?

How do I email a shipping label?

  1. Create FedEx shipment using FedEx Ship Manager Lite or FedEx Ship Manager at
  2. Go to print the label page.
  3. Select the Print option, and select your PDF printer.

Can you use a FedEx label twice?

You can’t use the label twice because when it is scanned in, the system will then prevent the use of another label with the same tracking number. My fedex and ups drivers scan the labels. If it comes up as a duplicate they are not permitted to take it.

Can two boxes have the same tracking number?

No, only one unique tracking number per package.

Can two parcels have the same tracking number?

You can use the same tracking number for both orders, but the downside is that if the customer claims INR or something similar, you will not have a separate tracking number to defend yourself with.

Can you put 2 shipping labels on a box?

No you can’t do that. You’ll need to put them in two separate packages. You have to ship them separately. You have to ship them separately because she purchased the items separately.