
Can corn snakes eat anything other than mice?

Can corn snakes eat anything other than mice?

Corn snakes are carnivores which means they eat meat. Their most common food is mice, but they can eat small birds, other rodents, small amphibians, and lizards.

What snakes can eat crickets?

Rough green snakes feed on insects and vertebrates instead of rodents. Insects these snakes eat include crickets, caterpillars, spiders, moths, and soft-boiled beetle larvae. They also eat some vertebrates including small lizards and tree frogs.

Can baby snakes eat crickets?

Baby snakes can sometimes handle small crickets. Mealworms are a safe choice, as are eggs. But be sure to check with your veterinarian before adding different foods to your baby snake’s diet. A word of caution to would-be snake owners.

What do captive corn snakes eat?

Captive Albino Corn Snakes usually eat rodents that are frozen, not live. It is recommended to feed frozen rodents because it can be dangerous for your snake if they are fed live rats or mice….In the wild, they will eat a variety of live prey including:

  • Small Rodents.
  • Birds.
  • Frogs.
  • Smaller Lizards.
  • Other Snakes.

How often should you change corn snake bedding?

every 1-2 months

What is the best bedding for a corn snake?

Zoo Med Aspen Snake Bedding

How long does a corn snake live?

6 – 8 yearsIn the wild

How long can a corn snake go without eating before dying?

2-3 months

How much does corn snakes cost?

A basic corn snake would cost you around $30. Others sell hybrids or corn snakes with unique colors and shades, and these would usually cost you around $69 or more. Get your corn snake a bigger tank so you won’t have to replace the tank when your baby corn snake grows bigger.

Are corn snakes expensive?

Corn snakes can be more expensive though depending on where you purchase them and whether or not you want a morph. Morph corn snakes can be a lot more expensive and usually are between 70-150 dollars. (although, certain morphs can sometimes be more than 150 dollars.)

How big does corn snakes get?

61 – 180 cmAdult