
Can chickens eat rabbit food?

Can chickens eat rabbit food?

Rabbit pellets should be fine. I don’t know a rabbit pellet that isn’t alfalfa or timothy hay based. They can make up a little for lack of foraging in the winter. I give some to my seramas in pens and occasionally gave some last winter to the rest of the chickens.

What can ducks eat list?

  • Greens, herbs & weeds make great treats for ducks.
  • Fruits – there are lots of fruits that your ducks will enjoy like tomatoes, chopped grapes, berries, watermelon, cantaloupe and bananas.
  • Vegetables – fresh veggies can be fed to your ducks daily, some favorites include corn, peas, beans, cucumber, cabbage and broccoli.

Do ducks eat dry cat food?

Can I feed my ducks dry cat food? Ducks will generally eat both wet and dry cat food as both of them are rich in proteins and also other minerals that are good for their health.

Do ducks like peanut butter?

Can Ducks eat peanut butter? Yes, Ducks can eat peanut butter but should be given only in a very small quantity. Peanut butter with fewer additives is okay for the ducks.

What can I feed mallard ducks?

The best food for mallards is that which contains minerals and vitamins that are good for their healthy nourishments. You should feed wheat, barley, milo, birdseed, chopped vegetables, and chopped lettuce. You must vary the diet on regular basis.

What do domestic ducklings eat?

Leafy greens are an important part of a duck’s diet. I start our ducklings off young getting used to cut weeds and grass, lettuce and Swiss chard. Ducks won’t eat wilted greens, so I put the ‘salad’ in their water tub. It stays nice and fresh that way and keeps them occupied dabbling for the leafy treats.

Why do ducks bob their heads when walking?

The bob is actually an illusion, scientists discovered in an experiment. The birds are simply moving their heads, allowing their vision to stabilize so their bodies can catch up, and then they’re on the move again. This happens so quickly, it appears as though they’re using a constant bobbing motion.