
Are Penny cruisers good?

Are Penny cruisers good?

There is nothing wrong with Penny Boards — they are a short, cheap board BUT Penny Boards are not a good board choice for most people in most riding scenarios due to their small size. Penny Boards aren’t bad, they just are not as versatile as a longboard or a skateboard for transportation.

Which is easier to ride Penny board or skateboard?

Why Is A Penny Board Easier Than Skateboard? Penny boards are suitable for riding around – portable, easy, and fun to ride as soon as you get the hang of it. The wheels are another reason why it’s a more comfortable board option, as they are softer and more prominent than most parks or street skateboards.

Which is faster penny board or longboard?

Penny Boards are usually slower than a longboard. Longboards usually go faster than Penny Boards when ridden downhill mostly due to their components, even more importantly longboards are much more stable than Penny Boards — allowing better control at high speeds making them dramatically SAFER for downhill riding.

What’s the fastest type of skateboard?

Electric Board: Many boards can reach speeds of over 20 mph (32 km/h). The world’s fastest electric skateboard could attain the speed of 95.83 km/h (59.55 mph).

Are longboards or penny boards better?

If however, you want to learn tricks as well as commute, then you might want to consider a longboard because penny boards are not designed to do many ticks on. The main purpose of a penny board is to get around easy. Longboards are also good because they are more customizable for riding style then penny boards.

Are Penny boards cool?

Penny Boards are cool in certain situations. That short ride stance is generally the reason a lot of people think Penny Boards are lame — short stance makes the default ride style look funny and make Penny Boards less versatile than a Longboard or a Skateboard in almost every instance.

How do I choose a penny board?

If you want a fast ride that can get you around town and that can be easily stored away, the original Penny size is a great choice. If you think that just 22” of board is going to feel to small under your feet, if you want to learn new tricks on a bigger board, then the Penny Nickel 27” if the right choice.

How much weight can a cruiser board hold?

165 lbs