Why you shouldn’t get a guinea pig?

Why you shouldn’t get a guinea pig?

Because they are fragile. They are faddy eaters and need a constant supply of hay, vegetables, and vitamin C or their complex digestive systems will stop working. Two: they hate temperature change. Anything warmer than 80 degrees and they can boil to death; anything colder than five degrees and they will freeze.

Are Guinea Pigs smelly?

Yes, guinea pigs can get very smelly, mostly because of their hair locks, grease glands and sometimes their owner's neglection (uncleaned cage). Guinea pigs are relatively clean pets that don't smell but only if you regularly clean their cage and take care of them properly.

Do guinea pigs stink?

Guinea pigs are fastidiously clean creatures that love to groom themselves and stay tidy, but if pet waste builds up inside the cage, it's going to smell — and get in his fur. … Scrub out the cage once a week. Even with daily scooping, smells can build up in the cage, and you have to clean it thoroughly.

Is it OK to have just one guinea pig?

Yes, It is ok to have one guinea pig. In fact, males are solitary in the wild, while females enjoy being in the company. If you have enough time to dedicate to your guinea pig, interact and play with them then it is completely fine to own a boar. Else you should go for a pair or more of Sows.

Do guinea pigs need a bath?

Guinea pigs clean themselves, so baths are rare. Certain ailments make a bath necessary; otherwise you might bathe a guinea pig if its long coat is particularly soiled or if you're showing the pet for conformation. Bathing a rodent can pose health risks.

Do guinea pigs bite?

Sometimes, guinea pigs will bite you when they mean to nibble on themselves. This can be an indicator of mites or fleas. If discomfort or pain is a concern, contact your veterinarian for an exam right away. If your pig is nibbling/biting while you are holding it, it may need to get down to urinate.

Is owning a guinea pig expensive?

Buying guinea pigs isn't particularly expensive — they're small pets, and cute as can be. They're also less than $50 at a pet store. However, properly taking care of one is costly.

Do guinea pigs like to be held?

Guinea pigs are fun pets and become tamer over time. However, they do not like being handled too much or too often, especially when they first enter your home. When you do start handling them, you should know the right way to hold your guinea pig to keep her safe and happy.

How much do guinea pigs cost monthly?

Guinea pigs can be much more expensive than you might have guessed. Although they're small, their food isn't especially cheap, and much like rabbits, their bedding can cost between $30 and $40 per month.

Is a guinea pig a good pet?

Not as fragile as rabbits and generally less skittish than smaller rodents like hamsters and gerbils, guinea pigs are wonderful pets for elementary-school-age kids and older.

Do guinea pigs like to be cuddled?

Yes, guinea pigs are the cuddliest pet on earth. But that doesn't mean they will be super cuddly with you when you first get them. However, if you give them time and develop a good bond with them then they will surely let you cuddle them.

How old are guinea pigs at Petsmart?

Re: How do Petsmart get thier pigs? A lot of them are missexed though, or they do not separate them at breeding age 3-4 weeks on the breeding facilities. They usually ship them from the distributors at 8 weeks old, old enough to breed.

What do guinea pigs like to play with?

Play Ball. Many animal companions may enjoy batting around a ball from time to time and guinea pigs are no exception. A ping pong ball or cat-sized ball can provide entertainment for guinea pigs. Tennis balls may also work, but they may not be as fun as lighter, smaller balls that are easier for them to push around.

Where do pet stores get their guinea pigs?

Re: How do Petsmart get thier pigs? They arrive from pet mills via a distributor. Usually in cardboard/styrofoam boxes in unheated trucks. Employees then unpack them as if they were merchandise.

How can you tell a male guinea pig from a female?

Female guinea pig genitalia tend to resemble a 'Y' shaped depression. However Dr Rajkumar warns that females sometimes look like a male because of swelling in the area where the penis should be found. “Gently parting the genital opening will reveal a 'Y' shaped opening in a female guinea pig,” advises Dr Rajkumar.

Does Petco sell guinea pigs?

Live small animals available only in Petco stores. Selection varies by store. Check your local store for availability.

Can guinea pigs get high?

Yo, Guinea pigs like to get high, just like dogs like to get high, just like birds like to get high. … So when a guinea pig gets high it gets the munchies.

What can guinea pigs eat daily?

Fruit and vegetables: Fresh vegetables can be offered once a day and should be equivalent to about one cup total per guinea pig per day. Leafy greens like romaine lettuce, kale, cilantro or parsley should comprise the bulk of your pig's fresh produce.

Which is a better pet hamster or guinea pig?

Hamsters are little animals, who need a much smaller home than guinea pigs, and a lot less food. Hamsters are great pet, and will bond strongly with their owners. … It's generally advised that guinea pigs are better for adults and older children, generally people over the age of ten or eleven.

Do guinea pigs cry?

If you mean “crying out,” guinea pigs make some incredible noises, and they have a different song for every occasion! These are just some of the most common sounds that might be interpreted as “crying”: … If your guinea pig is crying when they urinate or defecate, take them to your exotics vet immediately.

Are guinea pigs smart?

Intelligent guinea pigs. They're so small – and yet so smart! Guinea pigs are intelligent rodents that can be taught many things. … Guinea pigs best learn a lot later than cats and dogs – while dogs are best trained when they are only a few weeks old, the time is right for guinea pigs when they are nine to ten months old …