
Why you should attend concerts?

Why you should attend concerts?

People attend concerts because they enjoy belonging to a community with similar interests. These are of course likely to be concert attenders who subscribe to a series or attend regularly, for whom the experience of listening en masse is an important reason for choosing to attend a performance.

Is it safe to go to a concert?

All of it is beyond alarming; but it's tricky territory to navigate: Are concerts safe? Yes and no. We can't definitively say there's no risk involved, obviously; but it's also not fair to say that every concert is dangerous, because many (most, really) go off without a problem.

Can you enter a concert after it starts?

Concerts are normally ok. Indeed, if you don't want to see the support act(s) and are only interested in the headliner then it's quite usual to arrive late, sit in the bar for a while then only go in the auditorium when the main act is about to start. … If you mean “leave the auditorium” then usually that is fine.