Why would you see a periodontist?

Why would you see a periodontist?

Periodontists are the expert authority on diagnosing and treating periodontal disease. If you have advanced gum disease, or have been struggling to keep your gum disease under control, you should see a Periodontist.

What does a periodontist do for receding gums?

A gum graft is a type of dental surgery performed to correct the effects of gum recession. It is a quick and relatively simple surgery in which a periodontist removes healthy gum tissue from the roof of the mouth and uses it to build the gum back up where it has receded.

Who should see a periodontist?

If you have advanced gum disease, or have been struggling to keep your gum disease under control, you should see a Periodontist. With help from our doctors, plus a dedication to good oral health, you no longer have to accept tooth loss as part of getting older, allowing you to keep your teeth for a lifetime.

What is the difference between dentist and periodontist?

A general dentist can treat gum disease through routine cleanings, scaling and root planning (deep cleanings), and antibiotic medications. … Periodontists are the ones who usually diagnoses gum disease (like gingivitis) and periodontitis – the technical term for a disease that affects the gum AND the bones.

What kind of doctor specializes in gums?

A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in the placement of dental implants. Periodontists are also experts in the treatment of oral inflammation.

Do periodontist clean teeth?

Periodontists have extended education in the periodontium which focuses on the soft tissue (gums) and bone. A general dentist can treat gum disease through routine cleanings, scaling and root planning (deep cleanings), and antibiotic medications.

Can a dentist do gum surgery?

Most gum surgery procedures take around 2 hours to complete. … After making small incisions or cuts along the gum line, the dentist will lift the gums away from the teeth. This allows the dentist to see the roots better so that they can remove and clean away any tartar, plaque, or infection.

Can I go straight to an oral surgeon?

In the past, a dentist or a family doctor might refer a patient to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS), but now patients can find oral surgeons near them in seconds online. … Some OMS practices require a referral, and patients may need a referral to take full advantage of their insurance policies.

Can a general dentist treat PeriodonTAL disease?

A general dentist can treat gum disease through routine cleanings, scaling and root planning (deep cleanings), and antibiotic medications. Periodontists are needed for advanced cases of gum disease call periodontitis which are out of the realm of treatment a general dentist.

Do I need to be referred to an oral surgeon?

An oral surgeon is needed when your dental emergency requires the tooth to be extracted, or a restructuring of your bone and gum tissue. Oral surgeons have an extensive training in a particular field, and as a patient, you are typically referred to an oral surgeon by your dentist.

Can a regular dentist do a gum graft?

If your gums are receding, your dentist may recommend a gum tissue graft. Gum recession exposes the roots of your teeth. … A gum graft, also known as a gingival graft, can correct receding gums. Your dentist may refer you to a periodontist, a gum specialist, for this simple surgical procedure.