Why is WordPad double spacing?
Why is WordPad double spacing?
The problem you are describing is when you use the enter key to go to the next line, WordPad automatically inserts a double space. There are a couple of ways to get around this problem, first is to hold down the shift key when pressing “enter”. This will give you a single space. … Open your WordPad document.
How do I remove spacing in WordPad?
To do that, choose the last option from the line-spacing menu: “Add 10pt space after paragraphs.” That removes the checkmark, telling WordPad to stop placing the extra space between paragraphs. Tip: To stop WordPad from adding in its blank line after your current paragraph, hold down the Shift key while pressing Enter.
How do you double space in notepad?
Notepad is a very limited text editor, so you really can't do much formatting. The only way to double space is to put two "returns" at the end of each line. You can format the fonts and set the page layout for printing, but other than turning wordwrap on and off, that is about all the formatting you can do.