Why is word double spacing?
Why is word double spacing?
Open Microsoft Word and the document you want to modify. Highlight the text you want to have double spaced or select all. Right-click the highlighted text and click Format and then Paragraph, or only Paragraph depending on your version of Word.
Why is my enter key double spacing?
why does enter key cause double space. When typing a letter the paragraph is automatically formatted in single space. However, when the 'enter' key is pressed, a double space is created as if between paragraphs.
Is 1.15 single spacing?
In earlier versions of Word, the default line spacing distance is "1.0," or single-spacing, which stacks lines closely together with minimal space between. … The default line spacing setting for Word 2007 and 2010 is "1.15," which means that the space between lines is 1.15 times the default setting.
How do I stop double spacing in Word 2007?
Double-spacing — 24 points per line or 3 lines per inch — became the norm in much writing, in particular legal writing. On a standard letter-sized page, one left a one-inch top margin and a half-inch bottom margin, leaving 9.5 inches of usable space.