Why is it important to drink responsibly?

Why is it important to drink responsibly?

Reduced risk of heart disease or a heart attack. Reduced risk of strokes. Lower risk of gallstones. Lower risk of diabetes.

How much should you drink the first time?

Drink one drink, and then wait 20 to 30 minutes before having more. Have a glass of water between every drink. An average of one drink per hour is reasonable. See how you feel.

How can I drink alcohol without gaining weight?

How Much Alcohol Is Safe? Research suggests men (and women) who consume one or two alcoholic drinks per day have a lower death rate from coronary heart disease than abstainers. The recommended safe intake for men is no more than three units of alcohol a day, or 21 units per week.

What happens when we drink alcohol for the first time?

Alcohol can cause physical health problems, including high blood pressure, stroke, liver disease and cancer. … “After you drink alcohol and it enters your body, the alcohol is absorbed into the blood via the stomach and the small intestine. The effects of this can be felt about 10 minutes after first drinking it.