Why is dating a tall girl better?

Why is dating a tall girl better?

Really healthy for your posture. And if you stand shorter than the girl you are dating, well never mind. You will have a sweet, loving face to look up to and she can do the hard work of bending and giving you a kiss. … The taller they are, the more there is for you to love:It's simple maths.

How do you cuddle with a girl taller than you?

The best thing you can do is to try and compensate for your shorter stature by standing on higher ground, standing up straight, or even hugging her while she is sitting. Hug techniques that help with taller girls include giving her a side hug, turning your head to the side, and hugging her around the midsection.

Can a tall girl fall in love with a short guy?

The answer is Yes, a tall girl can fall in love with a short guy. I am very tall girl and I was in love with a short guy before. If you make her feel good, if you will make her happy, of course she can fall in love with you. Surprisingly only love isn't everything.