Why do VSCO girls say Sksksk?

Why do VSCO girls say Sksksk?

The phrase most commonly associated with VSCO girls is “and I oop”, which, like “sksksk,” can be used to express shock, surprise or embarrassment. The phrase is typically meant to imply that you had to stop speaking mid-sentence because you were shocked or in pain.

What does OK Boomer mean?

OK boomer is a viral internet slang phrase used, often in a humorous or ironic manner, to call out or dismiss out-of-touch or close-minded opinions associated with the baby boomer generation and older people more generally.

What is Sksksk and I oop?

The phrase most commonly associated with VSCO girls is “and I oop”, which, like “sksksk,” can be used to express shock, surprise or embarrassment. The phrase is typically meant to imply that you had to stop speaking mid-sentence because you were shocked or in pain.

How do I stop being a VSCO girl?

What is a VSCO girl? She first put me in touch with her friend Julianne Ishler, a 28-year-old in Chicago.

What is a VSCO boy?

The Brief: A VSCO boy can be a boy who uses the app VSCO, the male counterpart to VSCO girls, or an ideal VSCO boyfriend.