
Why do furries say OwO?

Why do furries say OwO?

They're both common emotes both inside and outside of the furry fandom. OwO means surprised. UwU either means tired or content.

Do furries use litter boxes?

Many followers of furry fandom also supposedly bring litter boxes to their rooms, because walking around in an animal costume isn't weird enough for them, so they need to take it up a notch.

How much do furry artists make?

Furry commissions aren't one-and-done. By his own estimate, Ted spends between $500 and $700 a year on commissions (put in perspective, that's about as much as daily delivery of the New York Times). He says he gets a new commission every two or three months, usually by browsing FurAffinity or through word of mouth.

How do furries talk?

Furries often talk with a silly tone in their voice or warm tone, like you'd talk to a baby. They do this either in passing conversation but mostly in character/in fursuit. Sometimes it sounds very roleplay-esque like, “nuzzles you”, “cuddles”, “high paw!” instead of “high five!” and don't forget the tilde “~”.

What is Furry code?

The Furry Code Decoder. The Code of the Furries is a simple and compact way how to tell the others about your furry personality. … The Furry Code consists of a series of letters, numbers and symbols, each describing you in some category.

How do you become a true furry?

A furry lifestyler is one who lives a furry lifestyle, to put it simply. … The furry lifestyle, lived by those who call themselves lifestylers involves a more pronounced expression of what the Furry Fandom means to them in real life through their actions and beliefs.

Why do I want to be a furry?

Firstly, there are many different reasons someone might want to fursuit (dress up in a big animal costume). … Indeed, only around a quarter of furries own a fursuit. So other appeals might be a love of art; enjoyment of the amazing community; being a fan of comics and stories; and a million other things.

Are you a furry quiz Playbuzz?

A quiz to test what animal furry your personality flows with best. Join our email list and receive super fun quizzes! By entering your email and clicking “sign up”, you're agreeing to let us send you the Playbuzz newsletter, which includes customized marketing messages about us, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

How many furries are there?

Plante estimates the fandom is between 100,000 and 1 million people — and growing.

Are you a furry Google?

“A furry is a person that is part of something called the 'Furry Fandom'. They share the likings and interests in anthropomorphic animals.” … If you are new and have no idea what the fandom is, well, you will learn everything in one sitting.

What do furries do at conventions?

Furry conventions offer a range of volunteer-led programming, usually focusing on anthropomorphic art, crafts, music and literature. Some raise money for charity. Attendees often dress up and wear artistic name badges for identification, though the majority do not bring fursuits.

How do you join the furry community?

They are also commonly called "fishies" and some furs with fish fursonas lovingly refer to them as their "fishsona".