Why did discus fry die?

Why did discus fry die?

Discus fish are sensitive to water conditions of the tank and can thus die if the conditions are not suitable. Overeating is another common cause of the death of discus fish. Finding out the causes that can lead to discus fish dying is integral if you want to make sure that all your fish thrive and remain healthy.

How many discus should be kept together?

The rule of thumb for how many discus you can keep together doesn't necessarily apply to everyone but is 1 discus for every 10 gallons of water. Therefore if you follow that rule you can only keep 10 full size discus in a 100 gallon tank.

Can discus breed in tap water?

Some areas of the UK have soft water on tap, but, even then, it would be wise to run it through carbon. … European-bred Discus, however, are quite happy and will even breed in harder water – the reason being they have now been tank-bred over several generations and have adapted to it.

Are Discus hard to breed?

Discus are unlikely to breed if they are kept in too small a container. Any discus tank should be at least 15 inches (38 cm) deep. Keep a pair of discus in a tank that can hold at least 50 gallons (191 liters).

Why do discus eggs turn white?

Congrats on the spawning. If the eggs are infertile, they will turn white with fungus after a day or so. Fertilized discus eggs generally have a tan to orangish color.

Can discus breed in a community tank?

For Discus, breeding is instinctual and not emotional. Once you are reasonable sure you have a good pair (or you purchased a proven pair) it is time to set up a breeding tank. … Many people will panic when, after keeping a group of discus in a community tank, they witness their first batch of eggs.

How long until discus fry free swim?

If you are going to artificially raise them, and have taken the parents out of the tank, you should add aeration about one inch from the fry to keep the water moving around them. They will start to become free swimming about 2 to 3 days after hatching.

How can you tell if a discus is male or female?

It is nearly impossible to distinguish male Discus from females. As spawning time approaches, the female's abdomen becomes slightly enlarged because of the eggs she is carrying.

How long do discus fry feed off parents?

You can take the parents out when the wigglers are detached from the parents and eating food by themselves. Not eating the parents slime coat. So give or take 2-3 weeks or so.

What is the best temperature for discus fish?

The optimum aquarium temperature for Discus is around 82°F – 88°F (28°C-31°C). Note that higher temperatures such as these lower dissolved oxygen and limit the number of fish housed in the aquarium.

Why do discus eat their fry?

The discus pair eat the fry due to stress. The stress comes from an almost countless variety of sources, from parasites (internal or external) all the way to shadows above and around the tank. If they pair feels threatened, then they WILL eat the fry. Darkening the tank will do more harm than good.

How do you grow discus fry fast?

When you are feeding them frozen bloodworms and artemia, make sure you boil them first. After boiling the food, scatter small pieces of food across the aquarium so that any discus doesn't have to struggle to eat the food. Young ones are to be fed every two hours. They grow more rapidly when they eat brine shrimps.

How long do discus fish live for?

When starting a Discus fish aquarium expect them to be part of your life for a while. With proper care Discus fish will live an average 6 to 8 years.

What do discus fish eggs look like?

If the eggs were fertilized they will be a goldish color. If the eggs were not fertilized they will be a white cotton like color. The white eggs will not hatch and usually the discus pair will eat the white eggs.

What do you feed baby discus fry?

The best first food to feed them on is newly hatched brine shrimp. They love it and they will grow very quickly on this. The best way to start it is to wait until the fry are five days old. Then start off the first brine shrimp hatchery.

Can discus breed colors?

What are the different types of discus and how do we tell them apart? All colors and types of discus will interbreed and produce fertile fry. Some types like Pigeon Blood and Blue Diamonds are easily recognized.

How do male discus fertilize eggs?

Larger females will lay more eggs, and smaller females will lay less. Once the eggs are securely fastened to the substrate surface, her male counterpart will immediately come in from behind her and fertilize the batch of eggs.

How do clown fish breed?

To breed clownfish, purchase a mated pair of fish, or 2 fish that are already bonded, from an aquarium store. Place plants, anemone, and rocks in the tank, and keep the water in the tank clean, which can help make the fish more likely to breed.

How do you raise discus fry artificially?

To artificially raise the fry, first remove the fry as eggs from their parents and place them in a shallow pan. Some people prefer using small white bowls, since they make it easier for you to see the eggs. After the fry hatch, feed them an egg yolk mixture.