
Why can’t I split clip iMovie?

Why can’t I split clip iMovie?

You can't split a clip in the Event browser. To split a video clip into two parts: Open a project so that it's showing in the Project browser, and then do one of the following: Rest the playhead (the red vertical line) at the point where you want to split the clip, and then press Command-Shift-S.

How do you speed up videos on iMovie?

Open iMovie to your Project on Mac and click the video clip in your movie Timeline. Then do the following to increase the speed. 1) Click the Speed button above the Viewer. 2) Select Fast in the Speed drop-down box.

How do you split a clip on iMovie Macbook Air?

If necessary, pinch open in the center of the timeline to zoom in on the clip. Tap the clip, tap the actions button , then tap Split. Or tap the clip, then swipe down over the playhead on the clip, as if you were slicing through the clip with your finger.