Why are discus fish so expensive?
Why are discus fish so expensive?
Discus fish are so expensive because breeding and keeping them requires some of the most labor intensive fish keep practices known. … Breeding discus, however, requires more care, very good water conditions, less fish in the tank and the expensive bigger ones are probably a year or so old.
Can I keep 3 discus?
As mentioned earlier, the discus fish needs a wide tank to move around and live joyfully with other tank mates. But 3 gallon is just a size of a fish bowl which is not suitable for keeping discus. Even if you want to keep a single fish in that size, it is not recommended.
Can you keep 1 discus?
Yes. They can be kept singly. Once in a blue moon, one Discus gives its owner no choice in the matter and insists on being alone. This is a very social fish so you lose out on seeing normal behaviors and the fish will want some other fish in the tank to dominate but otherwise lead long and (seemingly) happy lives.
Will discus eat neon tetras?
I had discus eat neons – the discus would wake up sooner than the neons and then attack the groggy neons. I've had better luck with cardinal tetras. Yes they can but that does not mean that they will.
What is the best food for discus fish?
Given their carnivorous nature, they will do best with beef heart and bloodworms because in the wild they eat small shrimp, insects, larvae, and small fish. You will find packs of bloodworms specifically formulated for discus fish as well as frozen beef heart that is broken up to meet their needs.
Can discus live in tap water?
Stendker Discus are kept in TAP WATER, "yes"! TAP WATER this makes their care so much easier and means that almost without exception where ever you live in the UK you can keep these fish with a little understanding of their species specific care.
How do you keep Discus water quality perfect?
Discus prefer warm, soft, acidic water. pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0, with hardness between 1° and 4° dKH (18 to 70 ppm). Temperature should be kept between 82° and 86° F, although wild Heckel discus prefer water near 90° F. Use an Aqueon Aquarium Heater to maintain proper water temperature.
Can discus live with guppies?
Yes, the guppies should be quite compatible with the discus – i've done it myself – no problems. However, yes, the temp is generally too high for them & it will shorten their life span. It's that's a combination of fish that suits you, go for it !
How long do discus fish live for?
Lifespan depends on how well the discus are cared for. It can range from several days to 15 years. The average is around 10 years if they are well maintained by informed owners.
Can you keep discus with other fish?
Discus can often be shy, but this can be helped by surrounding them with a couple of other fish (known as dither fish) that show them they are not in danger. … These fish can't be paired with aggressive fish, and some fish try to eat the Discus' mucus coat which wounds them.
How many discus Can I put in a 55 gallon tank?
It will have approximately 6 discus in it with No Other Fish! It will have a 10% water change daily(5 Gallons) and a 25% weekly(15 gallons).
Can Silver Dollars live with discus?
Ok the problem with getting silver dollars with discus is that discus are slow eaters while silver's are fast. Your discus likely won't get enough food.
How many times do discus lay eggs?
When and if the discus spawn in this stage, they will lay eggs every week for up to fifteen weeks. This cycle usually occurs twice a year and can be rigged with careful adjustment of feeding, temperature and water conditions.
Can discus live with Tetras?
Rummynose tetras are probably the most popular middle water layer schooling fish to combine with Discus. At around 2”, they are large enough to avoid falling prey to a hungry Discus. In addition, their friendly temperament ensures stressless cohabitation.
How can you tell if a discus fish is male or female?
Males have thicker foreheads and lips. As your discus grow, you'll be able to separate the men from the ladies by the shape of their dorsal fins. A male's dorsal fin becomes pointed, while a female's maintains its round shape and is usually shorter than a male's.
How many discus Can I put in a 40 gallon tank?
I recommend you start with 6 – 8 2" discus in a barebottom 40 gallon tank. There's going to be some casualties and discus that size need some company to relax. Starting with fewer fish is problematic since the alpha will pick on all the others.
Can Rainbow Fish live with discus?
The peaceful New Guinea Rainbow is a schooling fish that does best in a planted aquarium with plenty of room to swim. … Very good companion for Discus but only if kept in large aquariums (75 gallons and up) as they can be very aggressive eaters and can spook your Discus at feeding time.
Can discus fish live with bettas?
The Betta and the Discus will be fine as far as I can tell however make sure to know his temperment with other fish as sometimes they can be very nasty towards others including larger fish. I would forego the Neon's though, they are very nippy and rambunctious and will stress out both your Betta and Discus.
What is the best temperature for discus fish?
The optimum aquarium temperature for Discus is around 82°F – 88°F (28°C-31°C). Note that higher temperatures such as these lower dissolved oxygen and limit the number of fish housed in the aquarium.
How many discus Can I put in a 70 gallon tank?
I'm currently keeping 9 discus in a medium planted, low tech, 70 gal tank which also contains just a small number of cardinals and rasboras combined, one SAE and 3 Cories.
How heavy is a discus?
The discus weighs the same for high school girls and college women, at 1 kilogram or just more than 2.2 pounds. High school boys in the United States use the 1.6 kilogram discus, which is just over 3.5 pounds. The college men's weighs 2 kilograms or just over 4.4 pounds.
How do you treat discus disease?
Treatments which will cure this are Quick-Cure, Acriflavine and Clout for the parasites and Triple Sulpha and tetracycline for the bacterial infection. You can use any one of the anti- parasitics with any one of the anti-bacterial medications. Treat every day with 30% water changes until cured.
How many discus Can I put in a 30 gallon tank?
A 30-gallon tank size is ideal for 3 discus fish. You can keep them, breed them and care for them in the best manner by cleaning their tank regularly.
How many discus Can I put in a 50 gallon tank?
I am new to discus but from what I understand the rule of thumb is 1 adult discus per gallon of water. So you can fit 5. Someone more experienced, please correct me if I am wrong. The rule of thumb is 10gal/adult discus…that would be 5.
Can discus fish live with African cichlids?
No. They require different water conditions and most African cichlids are far too aggressive. Discus are best kept alone or with peaceful South American fish like tetras and rams.
How many discus Can I put in a 60 gallon tank?
It's not a fish for beginners by any means. This fish can grow to 8 inches in length and height. It's a pretty big discus fish and it requires 55 gallons of space per fish. Therefore, if we are talking about a 60 gallon tank, you can only fit 1 royal red discus fish into it.